–Three tracks, no new courses required. The BA track would also be the core of the physics plus and
astronomy majors. To satisfy any hour requirements UW or we
want to impose, we will add elective courses (e.g., two for B.A. so > 30
credit hours in
physics, one for B.S.). Suggest these
electives can be outside
of physics/astronomy from a list of courses we approve that will include math,
statistics, and engineering (again, helping double majors).
–Physics III becomes primarily a lab-based course (called Waves/Optics Lab on the previous slide)
that includes an introduction
to programming, with 1-hour lecture a week.
Extra wave
topics can added to a revamped Physics IV course. Rather than combining the two courses
into one, we retain the course names/numbers and add the lab material and programming we want in the program (and
exclude COSC 1030). Physics IV can be fall or spring.
–Drop the PDE and Complex Analysis upper division math courses.
They’re not necessary for some career paths, and we’d rather have students in the methods
–The research requirement could be satisfied by an REU or other summer research experience (perhaps
with the requirement
of a written or oral report).