What do professors do all day? (a.k.a. What do Astronomers do all day?)
- Teach classes (3-9 hrs/week)
- Prepare to teach (2-8 hrs/week)
- Assemble homework and exams (1-3 hrs/week)
- Grade papers and exams (2-6 hrs/week)
- Advise students on classes/career (~1 hrs/week)
- Attend/give department talks/seminars on astronomy/physics (1-3 hrs/week)
- Attend faculty meetings to decide department policy, student progress (~1 hrs/week)
- Meet with/recruit prospective undergrad and graduate students (~1 hrs/week)
- Attend webinars/telecons with collaborators or funding agencies (~1-3 hrs/week)
- Professional service to the department (manage computers, organize seminars, arrange curriculum) (~2-6 hrs/week)
- Attend professional meetings of scientists, domestic or international (~6-20 days/yr)
- Service to the College and University (serve on scholarship, curriculum, teaching, space allocation, calendar, etc committees) (~1-2 hrs/wk)
- Service to the Profession (serve on proposal panels, telescope panels, review papers, society leadership) (~1-3 wk/yr)
- Advise graduate and undergraduate students on their research (2-5 hrs/week)
- Public outreach and education to the community, schools, general public (1-4 hrs/week)
- Meet with Community College faculty to plan state-wide curriculum
- Do original scholarship, write papers, read papers, build instruments in the lab, read and write computer codes, model
physical systems,
(any hours that remain in the week; at least 20 hrs/week for research-active faculty)