Physics & Astronomy graduate student forms sequence (v. 2025 January; more online forms to come soon)
Meeting these deadlines is expected if a student is to be considered "making satisfactory progress"
General note: you must register for at least 9 credits each semester and 1 credit in summer to be a full-time student.
- You may take up to 12 credits without an exception from theDepartment Head or your advisor (someone has to pay that extra tuition!).
- Prior to passing the preliminary oral exam to candidacy you should take 5960 Thesis credits or independent study credits if you are taking reseach credits.
- 5980 Dissertation Credits are for AFTER you pass the preliminary exam.
- You need 30 credits of formal coursework for a masters.
- You need 42 credits of formal coursework for a PhD, plus 30 credits of thesis/dissertation credits for a total of 72 credits. In your final three semesters you should use the optional fee petition package to be eligible to register for only 2 credits and still be a full-time student. Don't take more than 72 if you can help it.
- First year students, by end of spring semester
- Change of major form, online
- Check "Add a dual degree"
- Select "Current Degree" as "Other"
- enter "Current Major" as "PhD"
- Select "Proposed Degree" as "Other"
- List proposed major as 'PhD + MS' so that you can file for a masters at the end of your coursework
- Department Head and College Dean will sign online
- Second year students, by start of spring semester
- Program of study for MS (PDF)
- submit this AFTER Committee Assignment has been approved
- If Plan A Masters (thesis option), take exactly 4 credits of 5960 Thesis Research and include at least 26 credits of official coursework (real classes but including journal club)
- If Plan B Masters (non-thesis option), do not take Thesis credits but include at least 30 credits of official coursework (journal club may be included)
- Second year students, 2 weeks prior to END of spring semester
- Third year students, by END of fall semester
- PhD Committee Assignment Form (PDF)
- Must have 5 members. One member from outside department. One of the 4 remaining (or a 6th) may be from outside UW.
- signatures are done online
- Program of Study for PhD (PDF)
- Complete AFTER committee assignemtn form is approved
- Must have (at least) 42 credits of official coursework plus credits of 5960/5980 Thesis/Dissertation that add up to 30 hours
- Research credits are typically 9 per semester (1 in the summer) in order to be a full time student, but you don't need to list these per semester, just as a lump sum
- Have signed by Head and College Dean
- Third year students, BEFORE start of year 4
- Fourth or Fifth year students within 3 semesters of graduation
- Optional student fee package petition
- use this to take as few as 2 credits in your final three semesters so that you can be considered a full-time student but reduce the number of credits that your advisor/department needs to pay for
- Fifth/Sixth year students near graduation
Additional Forms you may need
- anytime you need to change a committee
- anytime you need to change a program of study
- Other forms