Snow??!! Not quite. A twilight pictue of White Sands State Park in NM.
The National Radio Astronomy 12m millimeter wave telescope on Kitt Peak,
AZ, with the Tucson 25m Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) antenna
in the background.
The Owens Valley Millimeter Array (OVRO) near in
the Owens Valley near Big Pine, CA, operated by the California
Institute of Technology.
One arm (9 antennas) of the Very Large Array (VLA)
operated by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory on the Plains
of San Augustin near Socorro, NM.
The VLA at dawn.
The telescope at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, AZ,
where Percival Lowell recorded what he thought were canals on Mars.
The 64 m diameter radio telescope near Parkes, Australia.
The 2.2 m telescope dome and others looking east
at the German-Spanish Observatory on Calar Alto, Spain.
The 3.5 m telescope (the largest on continental Europe)
at the German-Spanish Observatory on Calar Alto, Spain.
The University of Minnesota/UC San Diego 1.5 m telescope on
Mt Lemmon, near Tucson AZ.
A view of the mountaintop looking west from the 2.1 m catwalk
at the Kitt Peak National Observatory west of Tucson, AZ.
The 4 m Mayall dome dominates the landscape and is visible
on a clear day from Mt. Lemmon, 70 miles to the northeast.
A view of the Kitt Peak mountaintop at dawn looking east
from a most unusual vantage point.
The 2.1m and 3.5m WIYN domes are
the most prominent features on the far side of the mountaintop.
The mountaintop at the Cerror Tololo InterAmerican Observatory in Chile.
Observing with the giant 0.08 m telescope at Cerro Tololo.
Chip with graduate student Rocky Rhodes at the business end of the CTIO
4m telescope.
In the Keck II telescope, on Mauna Kea, Hawaii.
Can you find the author on the platform on the right?
The summit at Mauna Kea, including the twin keck telescope,
the Subaru telescope at left, and NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility
(IRTF) at right.