Press Release Chandra images of multimillion degree Celsius gas in galaxy clusters have provided astronomers with a powerful new method to probe the mass and energy content of the universe. A recent study of 26 clusters of galaxies confirms that the expansion of the universe stopped slowing down about 6 billion years ago, and began to accelerate.

 X-ray image

  Optical image

 X-ray-Optical combination

The clusters were carefully chosen for their dynamically relaxed state and because they span a large range of distances, from one billion to eight billion light years from Earth. These Chandra images show 3 of the clusters used in the study - from left to right Abell 2029, MS2137.3-2353, and MS1137.5+6624, seen as they looked 1 billion, 3.5 billion, and 6.7 billion years ago, respectively.

A galaxy cluster is comprised on hundreds of galaxies embedded in a cloud of extremely hot gas and dark matter. Dark matter, an invisible and unknown type of material, is postulated to hold clusters together. X-ray observations have the unique ability to determine the ratio of the mass of the hot gas and the mass of the dark matter in a cluster. The observed values of the gas fraction depend on the assumed distance to the cluster.

Because galaxy clusters are the largest bound structures in the Universe, they are thought to represent a fair sample of the matter content in the universe. If so, the ratio of hot gas and dark matter should be the same for every cluster. Using this assumption, the distance scale can be adjusted to determine which one fits the data best. These distances show that the expansion of the Universe was first decelerating and then began to accelerate about six billion years ago.

Many scientists attribute the driving force behind cosmic acceleration to dark energy a strange form of energy that acts like repulsive gravity. It could be due to extra dimensions of space, or possibly it is an indication that modifications of Einstein's theory are needed.

Assuming that dark energy is responsible for the acceleration, combining the Chandra results with observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation indicates that dark energy makes up about 75% of the Universe, dark matter about 21%, and visible matter about 4%. The Chandra observations agree with results from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and other optical telescopes, which first showed evidence for an accelerating expansion of the Universe. Chandra's independent verification helps to strengthen the case for cosmic acceleration.

The new Chandra results suggest that the dark energy density may be constant. If so, the Universe would continue expanding forever, with galaxy groups and clusters spreading further and further apart. The Chandra data also allow for the possibility that the dark energy may be increasing slowly with time. In this case, the cosmic acceleration would increase until, at a far distant time, galaxies, stars, planets and even atoms will eventually be torn apart in what has been termed "The Big Rip."

Click here for the full press release from the Chandra X-ray Observatory website.

Press Release
Cosmos at full throttle
May 27, 2004
A baffling force called dark energy is causing the universe to expand at a faster rate than previously thought.
By Peter N. Spotts | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
Will the universe eventually collapse in the "big crunch," expand forever in the "big loneliness," or be torn to bits in the "big rip"? The key to answering those questions appears to lie in a mysterious form of energy that has been cracking the cosmic whip on the universe for the past 6 billion to 7 billion years. This "dark energy" appears to be causing the universe to grow at an accelerated rate rather than a rate scientists previously thought would slow forever.

Six years after astronomers first stunned the scientific world with this discovery, researchers say dark energy still baffles them. Yet several studies reported over the past year have strengthened the evidence for dark energy's role as cosmic gas pedal, researchers say.

The results "point to the promise of improving our understanding of dark energy," says Michael Turner, head of the astronomy and astrophysics department at the University of Chicago. That understanding, he says, is critical to answering fundamental questions about the origin and future of the universe and the nature of matter and space-time.

Last week, researchers from Britain, Germany, and the United States announced results from studies of hot gas surrounding vast clusters of galaxies. The effort, using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, was designed to determine the amount of dark energy the universe holds, compared with other forms of matter and energy. In addition, the team took a tentative stab at trying to see if the amount of dark energy changes with time - key to determining its nature.

Anyone reading their results might be excused for feeling a bit special. The team found that 4 percent of the universe is made of ordinary matter. Another 21 percent consists of so-called dark matter, inferred from its gravitational effects on matter. The remaining 75 percent consists of dark energy, which exerts a form of pressure that makes it act like gravity thrown into reverse. These figures are consistent with results reported last year from satellite measurements of the big bang's afterglow - the cosmic microwave background.

If the quantity of dark energy is constant, astronomers say, the universe will continue to expand at an increasing rate. In about 20 billion years or so, only about 100 galaxies might be visible from Earth. Think of it as the "big lonely." If dark energy were to change with time, it could relax to let gravity once again dominate, prompting the universe to collapse in the "big crunch." Or if the pace speeds up, it could lead to the "big rip," in which the fabric of space-time stretches so rapidly that even atoms get torn apart.

Based on the team's observations, dark energy is holding steady and "behaves much like the cosmological constant in Einstein's theories" about the evolution of the universe, says Steve Allen, an astronomer at Cambridge University in England and the team leader.

Essentially, this means that the amount of energy per volume of space remains constant. If this observation holds up under more rigorous programs, it would substantially narrow the range of explanations for what dark energy really is.

That's not bad for a "constant" that Albert Einstein dubbed his greatest blunder. In 1917, when he pondered the implications of his general relativity theory for the universe, most astronomers believed that the size of the universe didn't change. Other galaxies appeared on astronomers' photographic plates, but many thought the fuzzy images were nebulae or clusters of stars in the Milky Way.

When Einstein applied his equations to the observed universe, his numbers led him to an unsettling conclusion. Given the way his equations showed gravity distorting the shape of space-time, and given the amount of matter and energy in the universe to exert gravity, the universe could not remain static. It would have to collapse through gravitational attraction.

Observers saw no evidence for change, so he reasoned that there must be some form of "negative energy" offsetting gravity's tug. By tweaking his numbers, he could get a static universe.

In the 1920s, Edwin Hubble burst Einstein's bubble. Using the most powerful telescopes of the day, Hubble showed that the fuzzy patches were galaxies, and that the galaxies appeared to be speeding away. The universe was expanding.

For nearly 60 more years, astronomers would trot out Einstein's blunder to explain one new phenomenon or another, only to find later that more conventional explanations were correct.

Meanwhile, particle physicists in the 1960s were working on ideas in quantum mechanics in which a vacuum could exhibit a form of energy. And when they applied Einstein's theory of general relativity to this vacuum energy, thought to permeate the cosmos, it produced the gravitational repulsion that mimicked Einstein's cosmological constant. The work gave the feature an underpinning in physics it had lacked.

The only task left was to observe it in nature. That came in 1998, when two teams working independently reported observations that showed space expanding at a more rapid rate than it should be.

This time, invoking a gravitationally repulsive dark energy appears to be the correct answer. But how it relates to physicists' discoveries about the forces of nature and the subatomic particles associated with them remains a mystery. Dark energy could indeed be Einstein's cosmological constant. It could be a quantum field dubbed "quintessence." Or it could be a new aspect of gravity itself.

"Keep in mind that we call this dark energy, but that gives a false impression that we understand what it is. We really don't," says Adam Riess, astronomer with the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Md. Early this year, Dr. Riess and colleagues added what many astronomers call a significant advance in observing dark energy.

In February, the team published results of Hubble Space Telescope observations that spanned a range of distances and periods in the universe's history. They found the period, some 6 billion years ago, when the shift occurred from a slowdown in the rate of expansion to an acceleration - a turning point that has become known as the "big jerk." The team used the light from a powerful "standard candle" - a type of exploding star, or supernova - to gauge distance. Then they used spectrographic data on these objects to determine the speed at which the galaxies containing the supernovae were receding.

A third major contribution came last year from a set of studies involving the cosmic microwave background measurements from a NASA satellite and observations from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Both pointed to dark energy as the dominant ingredient in the universe's recipe. And by combining data from the two, four teams working independently found evidence for the action of dark energy on the scale of galaxy clusters, which cover a huge expanse of space and embrace from 50 to 1,000 galaxies.

Taken together, the X-ray, supernova, and microwave-survey studies represent "extraordinary evidence" for dark energy, the University of Chicago's Turner said at a briefing last week.

The next step is to learn whether dark energy varies with time. Already, Riess and his colleagues have been awarded a generous amount of observing time with the Hubble Space Telescope next year to get a more detailed look at dark energy's workings. Ground- and space-based optical telescopes are being planned to study it. Ground-based radio telescopes are getting into the act. And Chandra will be surveying more clusters at a wider range of distances.

The discovery of dark energy has handed researchers "the most profound problem in all of science," Turner says. Solving it "will require a full-court press."

 ENERGY IN THE UNIVERSE:  Dark energy contributes about 75 percent of all energy in the universe, followed by dark matter and normal matter, according to new Chandra X-ray observations. Only normal matter can be directly detected with telescopes, and about 85 percent of that is hot, intergalactic gas.

Click here for the full press release from the Christian Science Monitor website.