Specifically, I would like to ask you for the favor of identifying for me (by name) three galaxies: two appear as triangles and one as a star in your IRX-beta diagram, and they are located to the `bottom-right' of the relation, in the sense that they have the reddest UV colors in the region of lowest IR/UV. They are located around IR/UV<0.1 and beta~ -1.2. I also would need to know the names of the two galaxies (triangles) located around IR/UV~0.1/0.2 and beta~ -0.5. I would like to check for these galaxies their H-alpha distribution relative to the UV light, to check whether we are in the presence of specific SFHs for these objects. ================================================== From my discussion with Daniel on 10 Feb 2009 in D.C.: EW(Ha) has an extinction dependence, too!: K_FUV~4.53 K_R ~1.48 (starburst; for stars) K_3.6~0.09 K_Ha ~2.535 (for ionized regions; different than for stars) See if the data at the bottom of the IRX-beta relation have a dependence with distance from IRX-beta_starburst. If so, since they are essentially dust-free, then we know that distance depends on age. For example, she finds that U-B (a strong age indicator and not so dependent on dust) is ~ independent of distance from IRX-beta --I checked FUV_cor/NIR and EW(Ha) versus distance, using only galaxies with TIR/FUV<0.3. They do indeed follow the same general trends as the entire sample, suggesting that the perpendicular distances are driven more by age than extinction.