Abstract: Need to spell out 11HUGS and ANGST acronyms, or delete. --I ultimately decided to spell them out. Can you add a clause after "standard correlation for starburst galaxies" saying something like ", suggesting that reprocessing by dust is less important in the lower mass systems than dominate the LVL sample" (or whatever -- just something that points to the scientific conclusion. --Done Not clear what "the starburst relation" refers to. "correlates with" would be better than "corresponds to". --Done Intro: "our nearest neighbors" (since not all ANGST galaxies are star-forming) "based on optical spectroscopy, GALEX UV, and Spitzer infrared imaging.." "studies that seek to probe...regime and that require..." "...Volume galaxies that have acquired..." (which = "by the way", so not appropriate here) "...the stellar light that has been absorbed..." (same which/that issue) --all adopted The Sample: "Nearby Galaxy Survey" No space in M81. "...in the M81 group and Sculptor filament." "...to provide uniform stellar photometry.." (not complete since we don't resolve all the stars, or cover all the area) pg 6: "...160 micron fluxes from Table XXX below." --all adopted Section 3.2: "...targets in the photometry mode is less efficient than in the scan mode." --done Section 4: "...aperture, since 3.6 microns is the bandpass within which Spitzer is most sensitive and stars are brightest." --done Add 2MASS vs LVL images of UGC8245 to figure 4, which will make the point even more strongly. --The 2MASS emission is at such a low surface brightness that including such a figure would not be interesting. "we have independently extracted 2MASS fluxes..." --done "...looking for objects that are Halpha-rich" --done "...very faint and have negligible imact on global flux..." --done Section 5.4: "...-to-TIR ratios cling remarkably..." --done Section 5.5: "...differential effects that young..." --done Figure 5: Might be clearer to use "2MASS" rather than XSC in axis labels and titles, and LVL vs "us". At the least, define "XSC" in the caption. --done Figure 7: I don't quite get the middle panel, which seems to say that galaxies with larger FIR fluxes have more eflux missing from IRAS (i.e. more cold dust). I'd have guessed the opposite. --That's a perceptive comment. Hmm...we know that ~2/3 of LVL are dwarfs/irregulars, and those are hotter than average. It must be that the brightest galaxies are colder than average. Figures 8 and 9 didn't reproduce properly in the PDF. --I haven't been able to fix this (and that's why I also posted the .ps version of the manuscript). I'll keep trying to fix this, but presumably the journal will have no problems compiling everything.