I've responded to most of your suggestions. However, I do not include a point-by-point response here to all your excellent suggestions, mostly because I'm too lazy to retype your suggestions! Here are a few, though: I've added a new figure for you: colors vs M_B, which shows that much of the 8_dust/TIR scatter comes from the faint dwarfs. Page 5: "apparent magnitudes appear to be pretty meaningless?" I used apparent mags here since the survey is apparent magnitude-limited. But I do have absolute mags in other figures (you weren't the only one to ask). I don't re-derive or estimate 2MASS fluxes for the 2MASS Large Galaxy Atlas galaxies. A main reason is that Tom Jarrett did an overall much more careful job with these galaxies (than the XSC pipeline products), and importantly, the sky subtraction is tricky here since the images are formed from a mosaic of several images -- I'd rather stick with Tom's careful analysis, which included extrapolations of the disk surface brightness profiles. MIPS aperture corrections are >1 b/c light is 'lost' or sent outside of the chosen aperture by PSF smearing. I've changed the description a bit here based on your comment. IRAS vs MIPS apertures: IRAS fluxes derive mainly from 'scans', not aperture photometry on scan-reconstructed images. But the main difference of course is IRAS's relatively weak sensitivity, not the scan 'aperture' chosen. (and care was taken for the largest galaxies to ensure the 'aperture' encompassed all the FIR light).