Panchromatic Global Photometry (Dale et al. 2016)
PACS and SPIRE Global Photometry (Dale et al. 2012)
IRAC imaging
PACS Spectroscopy Integration Estimates
PACS Spectroscopy Individual Raster Flux Sanity Check
PACS Spectroscopy AORs
Preparing for Science Demonstration Phase (SDP)
- Chopping and Wavelength Switching overlays (JD's website)
- Notes
Chopper throw options: 1',3',6'
n1097 is 9.3'x6.3'
n4559 is 10.7'x4.4'
Primary SDP 15 Oct -> 30 Nov; Secondary 01 Oct -> 15 Dec
- Comments
now using HSPOT v4.2
wavelength switching now requires sky integrations
n1097+n4559 time budget in hours: 20.6 (v3.4) -> 21.7 (v4.2 w/no offset in sky position) -> 23.4 (v4.2 w/offset); 49.7 (v4.2 w/chop)
If flux estimates are not provided, bright continua and lines are assumed -> largest integration capacitors used, at risk of lower S/N for faint targets (p.3 HSpot changes doc)
- Questions
Do we select "chop/nod" or "chop/nod (bright lines)"?
Do we constrain the chop angle (or date of obs)?
Can we longitudinally dither for strips?
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