26 September 2016 flux.all.kfsings.dat Global fluxes WITH Milky Way foreground extinction corrections applied using SFD98 E(B-V) values and Draine03 curve. eflux.all.kfsings.dat -1 implies that the flux listed is a 5sigma upper limit. -2 implies that the flux listed is likely a lower limit due to saturation issues in M82. flux.with_extinction.all.kfsings.dat eflux.with_extinction.all.kfsings.dat Same as above, but no corrections for MW foreground extinction applied. Apertures are those used in Dale+2007 (SINGS Spitzer), Dale+2009 (LVL Spitzer), Dale+2012 (KINGFISH Herschel). Aperture corrections are described in those publications. ugriz are from SDSS photometry. 12um is from WISE. BVRcIc fluxes are largely those from Dale+2007 but bootstrap-calibrated via foreground stars and Pan-STARRS1. All details are explained in Dale+2016 in prep. Nomenclature for data column headers: S --> Spitzer (except 850S implies SCUBA). H --> Herschel W --> Wise 20cm --> VLA The last 4 columns stem from Tom Jarrett's "total" WISE fluxes. I've added them for completeness, but beware that only my W3 12um fluxes in Column 20 utilize our canonical apertures; Jarrett's flux densities incorporate an extrapolation of the measured surface brightness profiles to 3 disk scale lengths beyond the last measurable isophote. As explained on the 2nd line of each file, all fluxes are in Jy except for FUV, NUV, and 20cm. There are 79 galaxies, which is the union of the SINGS and KINGFISH samples.