PACS radial strip spectroscopy - Empirical estimates

Herschel SPOT-based material from June 2007:

  • There are several free parameters for the observations (number of lines targeted, desired signal-to-noise, chop vs. wavelength switching, raster vs pointed, ...).
  • An empirical uncertainty lies in the 'dilution' level of the emission spanning the 5x5 pixels -- a dilution factor of 1 implies all the emission is from a single point source, whereas a factor of 1/25 represents the extreme scenario of a completely spatially smooth profile.
  • [NIII] 57.3 is probably not realistic since it is faint and the detector is less sensitive at that wavelength.
  • "5 lines": [CII]+[OI]+[NII]+[OIII]+[OI]; "3 lines": [CII]+[OIII]+[OI]; S/N>=5
      47"x47" maps of 5 lines: 46       SINGS @                       52.3 hours
      47"x47" maps of 3 lines: 54       SINGS @                       32.0 hours
     141"x47" maps of 5 lines: 46+23    SINGS @ 52.3+2*36.3        = 124.9 hours
     141"x47" maps of 3 lines: 54+35    SINGS @ 32.0+2*35.4        = 102.8 hours
     235"x47" maps of 5 lines: 46+23+13 SINGS @ 52.3+2*36.3+2*39.8 = 204.5 hours
     235"x47" maps of 3 lines: 54+35+22 SINGS @ 32.0+2*35.4+2*25.3 = 153.4 hours

    Last modified: 2007 Jun 06