Fig.s 4 and 5 are quite interesting by their own rights since they concisely show the main results of the paper. However, one thing that really bugs me here is the estimated total dust mass with Spitzer and Herschel data. Why would it be "less" than the one which was estimated 'only' from the Spitzer data? I was expecting the ratio shown at the bottom panels of these figures would either 1 (very good prediction from Driane & Li model for the galaxy with only Spizter data) or greater 1 (Driane & Li model was approximate for some galaxies with only Spitzer data but with Herschel+Spitzer data it is better). I know you have given a brief explanation but a little more elaboration along this line would do better for a person like myself who has no expertise in this kind of complex issues, although, I do understand that it may not the be main focus of this paper. *** The Herschel+Spitzer dust mass could be lower than the Spitzer dust mass if, for example, the SPIRE data show less dust emission than that predicted by extrapolating from just the Spitzer data alone. So in my view, it's fine to have the numbers bounce around unity in these plots; it's not a problem to have some above unity and some below unity.