Ho I: Cannon suggests moving the 'nuclear' pointing to new coordinates. Helene says that it is too faint (f24_peak = 0.5 MJy/sr), unless they correspond to HII regions with high line/continuum ratios.
Ho II: Cannon suggests two maps. I say let's map the brighter, higher priority source using the 'nuclear' scheme. We've already done four extranuclear maps in this galaxy.
IC 2574:Cannon suggests three maps. Helene suggests moving the 'nuclear' map to a new location, one that matches Cannon's SGS#1 coordinates. Helene says that SGS#2 is just bright enough for IRS (f24 peak=5.1 MJy/sr), and that the third source Cannon suggests is too faint (he calls it 'HII region').
Tololo 89: Do an extranuclear map that catches what we just missed in our original nuclear map.
NGC 2403: Do some additional maps to catch what we just missed in our original (six) extranuclear maps.
NGC 2976: Let's do the two amazingly-bright 24+Ha sources at the ends of the disk.
NGC 5408: Cannon suggests doing another extranuclear map within our existing LL map.
NGC 6822: Cannon suggests four maps. We've already done four extranuclear maps in this galaxy.
Bendo suggests several sources.
Armus suggests several sources.
Helou wants to do two ring regions, one in N1566 and one N4736.
Moire's got some more goodies for us.