IRS Low-resolution Spectra Exposure Estimations Revised -- 7.5 to 40 micron observations along the major axis of NGC 6946

This second round of investigation stemmed from concerns about observing more than just the inner, high surface brightness regions of galaxies.

NGC 6946
NGC 6946 serves as our test case.  The series of 9"-spaced plus symbols indicates one potential radial cut along the major axis of NGC 6946.  The symbols in this figure span a radial distance of 225".  The outermost regions of the cut show a HI column density of ~1e21 H-atoms/cm^2 (Tacconi & Young 1986).  This is about a factor of four larger than the HI column density seen towards high Galactic latitudes (Kulkarni & Heiles 1988).

These regions have a 15 micron surface brightness of ~1 MJy/ster.   Interestingly, If we assume a radiation field comparable to that of the local ISRF and a Milky Way metallicity and cirrus mid-infrared emissivity (Boulanger & Perault 1988), the inferred atomic gas density that we are sampling is also ~1e21 H-atoms/cm^2.  In other words, the outermost regions of our potential radial cut along NGC 6946 may be like cirrus regions of the Milky Way.

Spectra for the cut along NGC 6946 are displayed in MJy/ster.  The eight brightest spectra are from the inner 75"; the 17 weaker spectra correspond to radial distances between 75" and 225".  Notice how the spectral shapes differ for the different regions.  These trends were estimated using the ISO 7/15 micron ratio and a model for normal galaxy SEDs.

The raw surface brightness noise levels for a variety of elementary integrations are computed from quoted 1-sigma continuum levels for point source observations.  More realistic noise levels are obtained after combining data from the two `ramps,' the two pixels that fill the slit width, and after smoothing the short-low data to the spatial resolution of the long-low data.

Signal-to-noise estimates show that we can recover adequate data from the central regions using a 14 second elementary (scan) integration.  Longer integrations would be required to achieve reasonable S/N for lower surface brightness regions.  S/N estimates are provided for 30, 60, 120, and 240 second elementary (scan) integrations.

Note that the lowest S/N coverage occurs for the 5.3-7.5 micron short-low subunit.  Moreover, recall that the bulk of the `action' occurs at longer wavelengths:   (i) the clusters of PAH features near 8 microns and 12 microns are also not covered by the short-low subunit; (ii) the steep mid-IR slopes that are typical of HII region cores are most clearly evident beyond ~ 10 microns (e.g Cesarsky et al. 1996).  In fact, the shape of the mid-IR spectrum from 3 to 12 microns is essentially constant from galaxy to galaxy (Helou et al. 2000) and from region to region within galaxies (O. Laurent, private communication).

It may behoove us to focus on the 7.5 to 40 micron wavelength span, and maybe even just the 14.2 to 40 micron portion, for observations of normal galaxies.  Since the 5.3 to 7.5 and 7.5 to 14.2 micron wavelength regimes are relatively `unexciting' and will be covered by the IRAC 5.8 and 8.0 micron array observations, we can argue that we need not spend valuable time observing with these subunits; we may want to only observe the nucleus, and possibly some attractive HII regions, with the 7.5 to 14.2 micron short-low subunit.  This will significantly cut down IRS integrations times (see table).

This figure outlines one possible observing strategy to observe a 54.6"-wide strip along the disk major axis, where 54.6" is the length of the short-low subunits.  By using spatial step sizes equal to half the length of one long-low subunit (i.e. spatially oversampling by a factor of two) we can minimize the effects of bad pixels.  In addition, we can boost the S/N if these data are co-added.  Each pair of rectangles/squares represents the area covered by one scanning observation.  The rectangular pairs outline the 151.3"x54.6" areas we may cover with the long-low subunits, whereas the 54.6"x54.6" square areas show possible short-low target fields; because short-low integrations are relatively expensive, we could select in advance a few regions in the strip on which to focus at these wavelengths.
(30 micron image)(8.26 micron image)

The following tables show the integration times necessary to map a N"x54.6" major axis region from 14.2 to 40 microns (partial maps of satellite fields will come for free), and the time required for doing 54.6"x54.6" regions from 7.5 to 14.2 microns.  Of course we need not restrict ourselves to 54.6" scan widths.

                                             Table 1:  Single Scan Data
                    Exptime   Scan rate   Scan Width  Scan Integration
                      (sec)    (arcsec/sec)    (arcsec)          (minutes)
Short-low      6            0.13846          54.6                     6.57
                       14            0.08571                                     10.62
                       60            0.02432                                     37.42
                     240            0.00608                                   149.67

Long -low      6            0.37308          54.6                     2.44
                       14            0.23095                                       3.94
                       30            0.13108                                       6.94
                     120            0.03277                                     27.77

Overheads: slew time=180 sec
                      peak-up time=210 sec
                      command execution~22 sec
                      slew time for each step=16 sec

                                      Table 2: Integration times (Including above overheads)
                    Exptime   0.55'   0.91'   1.8'   3.1'   4.3'   5.6'   6.8'   8.1'   9.4'   10.6' <-- e.g. galaxy major axis diameter
                       (sec)        (------------------minutes--------------)
Short-low    14                       17.5                                                                                   Appropriate for bright nuclear regions
Short-low    60                       44.3                                                                                   Appropriate for regions down to fnu(15 mu)~5 MJy/st
Short-low  240                     156.5                                                                                   Appropriate for regions down to fnu(15 mu)~1 MJy/st
Long-low     14           23.4              27.6  31.8   36.0  40.3  44.5  48.7  52.9  57.1
Long-low     30           35.4              42.6  49.8   57.0  64.3  71.5  78.7  85.9  93.1

Total Low-Res Integration Estimate - NGC 6946
The total integration time for the example observing strategy outlined above for NGC 6946 (1 MJy/st diameter ~ 6.2'), if we use Exptime=30 sec for long-low and shoot for 3 fields with the short-low 7.5-14.2 micron subunit, would be 39.3 + 71.5 = 111 minutes.

Total Long-Low-Res Integration Estimate - Legacy sample of 121 galaxies
Probing down to fnu(15 mu)~5 MJy/st
Probing down to fnu(15 mu)~1 MJy/st
(The above use the empirical R_mir/R_opt trends observed for the ISO Key Project sample.

Click here for a summary of MIPS SED mode observations for NGC 6946

Danny Dale
12 June 2000