a general comment on the figures: i know that space is tight but many figures would display much more information if you showed the galaxy's name right next to the respective symbol. that way it would be much easier to follow which galaxy in the table ends up where in the plots. --I think the plots are already way too busy. I've even excluded the error bars from the archival data, to ease the interpretation. I fear putting in the names would make Figure 3 really difficult to view. However, in light of your comment I have added names to Figure 2, where there is a bit of room to squeeze in names. another general comment: you don't show the actual spectra for most of the galaxies. i know that adding all spectra would add many pages - but as this the (data) heart of this paper i wonder if you will get away with the referee without showing this (and only presenting the numbers in the table)? --The SINGS IRS subteam has discussed this issue during our weekly telecons. We prefer to wait until all the data are obtained and processed, and then publish a SINGS IRS atlas paper. page 1, [,] missing before H$\alpha$ --Fixed page 5, 3.3, the the -> remove one 'the' --Fixed page 6, 4.2 - perhaps it would be worthwhile starting this section explaining why you don't us the 7.7 micron feature (which i guess would be the feature people would traditionally use). perhaps start with something like 'traditionally, the 7.7 micron feature (as being the brightest of all pah features) has been used to quantify the pah emission strength' - then you could stress that, in the case of the irs observations, the 6.2 feature is easier to deal with for the reasons you give. related comment: from the spectra you show it actually looks like the 7.7 micron feature is quite prominent and well--defined - if you already have derived numbers for this feature you may consider adding them to the tables as well. --The 7.7um feature would be tough to quantify as it spans two orders in the Short-Low spectrometer. The continuum on the red side is also problematic to define. Genzel was the first to pose a diagnostic like these, but I wouldn't then say the 7.7um feature is the traditional choice. The ISO diagnostics that followed Genzel's actually used the 6.2um feature (for many of the reasons I outline in Section 4.2). page 6, 4.2 - also tables 1 and 2 and figure 3. here you only refer to the equivalent widths of the 6.2 micron feature. but would it be also possible to give the line (peak) flux (or the peak-flux--to--continuum ratio)? after all, this could give you a different answer. i am only thinking aloud here but, e.g. the original genzel plot showed the 7.7 micron flux and one may wonder how things would change if they had made the same plot using the equivalent widths... --I address this issue by actually transforming their 7.7um-based curved to one that uses the 6.2um feature (as you allude to below). I think the Genzel work, though visionary, is a bit cartoonish: they use mostly upper limits, and incorporate quantities like 'relative strength' instead of simply measuring the actual EW. During our weekly telecons, the SINGS IRS team agreed that an important aspect of this paper was to incorporate more typical measures like EW (and be more quantitative and less conceptual). page 8, 1st par, second but last sentence "Our goal is not to..." - better remove this sentence as it may open a can of worms? --Unfortunately, you raise a point that conflicts with prior suggestions. People wanted a statement like this, to emphasize that this paper wasn't about contrasting optical versus infrared classifications. page 8, section 5.2.1: to show my ignorance: you say the ionization potential for O IV is 54.9eV and the one for Ne I is 21.6eV - i.e. you need a photon with 21.6 eV to get Ne II and one of 54.9eV to get O V? But then you compare O IV to Ne II which may be confusing (at least it confuses me and i am sorry if i have missed the point!) --Good point. I also find this ionization/excitation business confusing. I have reworded these sentences. page 8, section 5.2.1: i would state earlier on that the genzel diagram was based on the 7.7 micron feature. page 9, second line: it may be useful to quote the Si II ionization potential as well. --Done page 10, line 8, when refering to the Genzel mixing model, you could explicitely refer to their Fig.~5, right. i think it would be important if you could explain in a bit more detail how you transformed their 7.7 micron strength to your 6.2 equivalent width. after all, the 7.7/6.2 pah strengths vary significantly from galaxy to galaxy (at least so i thought). --Actually, if you look at JD's figure 7 in his most recent manuscript, you'll see that 6.2 tracks 7.7 fairly well. page 10, section 5.2.2. you state that the neon excitation tracks sulfur excitation. but when i look at the figure 4 it does not seem to be a linear relation (i.e. you seem to get less neon excitation for an increased sulfur excitation). i don't know how important this would be but in any case it may be useful to give the least square fits of the two lines in the text (with errors). that way one could see if the slopes are consistent (within the errors) with slope unity. --Good idea. I added the slopes (and uncertainties) to the text. page 11, section 5.2.3. how is the definition of the four regions justified?. in particular, where does the factor ('slope') 8.4 in equation 5 come from? i am only guessing but it almost looks like this has been done to include as many 'star forming' squares in region iii as possible. perhaps this can be justified a bit better. --They are just empirical demarcations, and I chose to go with the same slope for all lines to simplify things. I originally had only one line and no corresponding table. I have added two more lines plus the table to help make this a more user-friendly diagnostic. Since there is no theoretical input behind these lines, I'm not sure I can 'justify' them. I state in the abstract that 'we identify' regions dominated by AGN or star-forming sources, implying they are empirical. page 12. section 5.2.4. when talking about the linear fits you state that they 'differ along the diagonal' - what exactly do you mean? that they have different slopes? again it may be useful if you could give the best fits in the text (and that way one could judge how significant the differences in slopes really are). also, perhaps you should at least comment on the three points that fall below the 'low-density limit' in figure 6. --Previous reviewers didn't think the two fits were different, because they had approximately the same slopes. I italicized "along the diagonal" to emphasize that, though they have similar slopes, the AGN and star-forming populations appear in different parts of the figure. I have added the slopes (and uncertainties) to the text. Bruce pointed out that three sources below the low density limit is o.k. for >60 sources overall, as long as the error bars are 1 sigma (which they are, as I now state in the caption). page 13, last sentence in summary. 'this has proved useful' to me sounds like an understatement. perhaps change to something along the following lines: '...has proved critical...' --Done page 21, fig. 1: it would be good if you could label the spectral lines/features discussed in this paper (or even more lines) in at least one of the panel. --Done page 26, fig 6: dotted line is [a] linear fit <- 'a' missing --Fixed