Abstract: ========= cubes-> maps --Done overuse of the term "accretion-powered", both here and in the text. We don't probe the accretion zone at all, so while it may be the sexy new catch-phrase for AGN, I think we should tone it back a bit. --I've removed 4 of the 6 instances. Introduction: ============= shrouded->enshrouded --Fixed "astronomers to peer" is a bit awkward... --Changed last two sentences: explored ... explore. Man we're explorers. --One "explore" converted to "observe" Extra-nuclear Regions: ====================== As an aside: how did we get the extinction-corrected ionizing Luminosity? --I just took this line from Kennicutt et al. (2003) If possible, quote the range of radiation field intensity (perhaps relative to the local Habing field). --Done Spitzer Data Proc: ================== End of first paragraph: quote the observing time per pixel (accounting for our overlap scheme). --I already indicate the integration per pointing, and then indicate each location was observed 2-4 times. Wouldn't it be redundant to also give the observing time per pixel? 2nd para.: mention that we took SL skies from the archive in some cases. --Done Forward reference Smith et al. 2006 for a CUBISM paper. Smith, Dale et al, that is. --Done Last para: "the same extraction apertures" -> "the same matched extraction apertures". Also, does that mean we rejected Tol 89 and 5408? Why do we mention these explicitly then? --"matched" added to sentence. I have removed the explicit reference to N5408 and Tol89. Fitting a Drude profile to the 6.2um feature would be more physical (and make Bruce happier as well)... --I'd prefer not to redo ~200 fits when it won't make a difference in Figure 3. Smith, Draine et al. will provide such fits, correct? Archival Spect: =============== I was confused as to whether we ever mixed ISO and Spitzer data. I actually know we don't, but after reading this paragraph, wasn't so sure. Why does the "match" between ISO-PHOT and SH matter? Perhaps you just mean they cover similar areas, so are physically comparable. Might be better to say it that way, because as it is, it introduces false worries about cross-observatory flux calibration and aperture centering. --I don't want to say here that the extraction apertures are physically comparable, because elsewhere I mention that the range of distances in our sample leads to a range of physical extraction apertures. Instead, I have added a line assuring the reader that we never extract from both observatories for the same source. Spitzer 24um: ============= "are unreliable" -> "are biased by the un-subtracted background". --Done (plus more tweaks) Optical Spec. Obs and Data Proc: ================================ You need to mention that these are nuclei only somewhere in the 1st para. --Good point. Done. High-Res IR Spec: Emission Lines: ================================= The definition of ionized region is a bit loose here. You mean "hydrogen gas ionized gas regions", because obviously [SiII] is from an ionized species (partially in PDRs, yes). I know what you mean, but it wouldn't hurt to make it slightly more explicit. --Done (but please check b/c I wasn't exactly sure about your above wording) Low-Res IR Spec: 6.2um feature ============================== "of a system" a bit imprecise. Perhaps: "of the gas in PDRs" or some such. --Done Opt. Class of Nuclei ==================== NED is not a classification scheme, but a collection of gather literature results. I'd mention NED once, and then refer to "literature results" and emphasize the good agreement, with a few revisions, for our sample. Have you updated your BPT list, so I can use it? --"NED" has been replaced with "the literature" in three instances. The agreement has been emphasized. "There may be few if any transition objects" is a bit awkward. There are a few. No biggie. --wording removed "where we will perhaps more convincingly"... sounds like you're not sure it will be convincing, or perhaps that you are reading along with us, and don't know what to expect. --wording removed, as the emphasis is not on optical vs IR classifications Emission Line Ratios and PAH Strength ===================================== Please quote my 2004 ApJS paper when talking about the energetics of OIV. --Done Para 1, end: We need to describe why [OIV] may not be a perfect AGN tracer. Since the Genzel group had upper limits for most non-AGN sources, it's actually real news that we're detecting OIV all over the place, and we need to make people aware that even puny HII regions have [OIV]. Also, pointing to Morris et al. 2004 ApJS 154...413, which is the first direct detection of [OIV] in a WR star, might help punctuate this. From the old Genzel diagram, you might well conclude that [OIV], at any level, is a perfect AGN indicator. Now we know better. --I agree, but I should note that the Peeters et al. (2004) work had only 7 [OIV] non-detections out of 35 in their Figure 10. So it would be a bit unfair to say now we are finally detecting [OIV]. However, I have emphasized the novelty of detections from faint regions. Para 2.: Really, one wouldn't expect an inverted trend. If you consider the trend to originate from differing degrees of AGN dominance to the line excitation, [OIV]/[NeII] is AGN vs. non-AGN, whereas [SiII] vs. [NeII] are both "sub-AGN" in their ionization. If it weren't for PIR's (which we haven't yet brought up), you'd expect their trend (if any) to be wholly disconnected from the trend defined by the AGN vs. non-AGN excited line (leaving aside the issue of [OIV]). --Yes, but the steepness of the AGN spectrum implies more 21.6 eV photons than 8.2 eV photons. That's the point I'm making. Probably best not to quote Maloney like that; just paraphrase their findings. --Done Last sentence: "of the 1-100 keV" -> "of the absorbed 1-100 keV". --appropriately recast in terms of FIR emission Para 3: I found it hard to follow this density argument. Also, I hope you meant "then the *high* [SiII]/[NeII] for AGN sources.." in both sentences, or I am very confused. --fixed the typos... Style suggestion: non need to continuously repeat the line wavelengths when quoting ratios (here and elsewhere). --I'll opt for leaving the wavelengths in, unless I hear from others. Para 4: Where did these mixing endpoints come from? Is this just an arbitrary choice? It would be nice to say what they correspond to (a.g. average of HII for star-formation anchor, etc.). --The motivations for the mixing curve anchors were purely empirical. I originally used SINGS objects as the anchors, but the SINGS sample simply doesn't fill enough parameter space to provide useful anchors. "makes sense" -> "is not surprising" --changed to "unsurprising" "Nonetheless" -> despite Lee's semi-bruised ego, no apology is necessary. It is a new technique, perhaps we should have expected it, but it is new. --reworded to be less wimpy Whither [NeV]? This is a cool line, and we've got a few of them. Why not show it in some way? I haven't dropped this hammer on you yet, but upper limits could be very useful, as others have said. This is a case where they could salvage a plot from the "too few points" bin. Also, they'd improve the [OIV] plot. I know others have said it, and maybe you've already started in on it, but a few judiciously applied upper limits could really improve some of the plots. --I have added upper limits for all [OIV] non-detections. As for [NeV], we have a grand total of two detections from DR3 nuclei, so I prefer to avoid that line in this paper. Excitation Line Ratios: ======================= This is the weakest section, and needs some attention to make it stand out. If you are using high/low vs. high/low as an excitation tracer, you'll need to show that one of them [SIV] is a higher high, and thus the low-Z LMC regions would veer off. --I don't understand your comment: I do point out that the LMC points exhibit the highest excitation since the line ratios are highest. I have added references to a couple papers that explain low-Z implies high line ratios in this plot. "double" -> "doubly" --fixed in the upper righthand -> in the high ionization, upper righthand --Done Excitation and Metallicity ========================== Madden 2005 had a nice plot on this. --reference added to previous section. Last sentence: lower metallicity -> harsher -> enhanced high to low. The sequencing you mention is not trivial to see in your current plot. I have a few suggestions for improving the plots at the end. --The presentation of the plot has been improved. Do you agree? Density Diagnostics =================== What's the significance of the trend in the two lines? Spectra with strong lines relative to their 24um continuum have strong lines? Wouldn't this have held with any two lines relative to 24um? I like the plot, but perhaps scale back the introductory excitement over the correlation. --I'm trying to show a) the density is the ~same for all SINGS targets b) star-forming sources show higher line-to-continuum ratios A [SIII]/[SIII] line ratio gives you density. But other combinations of line ratios won't necessarily give you density. They might, for examle, give you temperature, which could differ between star-forming and AGN sources. "phase space": hackneyed. --Sounds like you've been studying for the SAT. I replaced the term with "the diagram". Summary ======= "plus" -> ", supplemented by" --Done "Genzel Diagram" -> diagnostic diagram of Genzel et al. --Done, though I might reconsider it's inclusion. Why don't we future reference our work (Moire's) on A_V in our nuclei? --I've run into referees that do not appreciate forward referencing, so I try to limit that. Figures ======= You've already heard much of this, but I put it here for completeness... Fig. 1: These spectra are ugly. I'll show you how to offset, and blend at order overlaps, for better looking spectra. Some real spikes stand out in 0628's high-res spectrum. Since these are for show, we should clean them as much as possible. The last panel has too much y-axis space. --They have been prettified, and the truncations have been fixed. Fig. 3: In all figures, we need a better way to discriminate among either 2 or 3 simple categories. If 2, it's AGN vs. no-AGN. If 3, it's Seyfert, LINER, and everything else. These are the "broad-brush" categories. I suggest color for distinguishing these (RGB?). You can keep your finer categories, just indicate the "broad brush" ones clearly. Probably "from SINGS" vs. "archival" is not as important a concept to communicate, so can be relegated to a less visible diff. This applies to the other plots as well. --I have simplified from 9 to 6 categories For this plot, I think it would be cool to have some marginal histograms, essentially collapsing the data (in largish bins) along X and Y (along y for both panels), and plotting either 2 or 3 histograms, with the same colors as you chose for the 2 or 3 "broad-brush" categories. You can stick these histograms right in the plot, butted up against the data themselves. This will show us the real separation achieved along individual axes. There will be overlap, yes. This could require splitting top and bottom into two different figures to avoid looking too busy. --I've used marginal histograms before; I like them. But coupled with the "busyness" factor, the fact that I've split up the plots into regions and quantified in tables (see below), I would prefer not to add these histograms. Then, if you wanted to get super fancy, take your mixing line, and project (rotate) along it, and make yet another histogram-of-2 (or 3) categories showing the better AGN/SF/(LINER) separation along that line. I'm not convinced this is necessary, but if it showed much better separation than any of the other two axes, it would be quite cool. --I have created multiple regions within Figures 3 and 5, and added tables that quantify the populations within each region. This serves to better distinguish between Seyferts and star-forming. Fig. 4: The dotted AGN line doesn't show up well in grayscale prints. --Figures with color do not print well on grayscale prints. They are intended for color printers. I could make black & white plots that print well on grayscale prints, but I think we'll stick with color. Fig. 5: You've already sent a draft with statistical-only error bars: I far prefer it (and would do this throughout). Also, as mentioned, the "sequence" from left to right you reference might be clearer if you added some additional fit lines, or boundaries, or something like that. --Done Fig. 6: Already mentioned, but explicit low-and-high density limits would be nice. Probably should mention in the text that many are consistent with the low-density limit. --I've added to the figure words explicitly indicating density limits. And the caption has been beefed up.