It generally looks good. If possible shorten it and focus on the main result, which I think is the SiII line as diagnostic of AGNs. So change the title to reflect that: the phrase "new AGN diagnostic in the mid-IR" would be good to have in the title. Similarly, in the abstract one should read about this before turning the page, i.e. more prominence. In terms of the actual proof, you present SiII/NeII ratios which behave the same way as OVI/NeII in the AGN/starburst mixing ratio. Then you present plausibility arguments, that SiII can be a daignostic, based on XDR predictions. My impression was that none of these XDR predictions came true. [OI] was supposed to be higher, but that has not been seen (correct me if I am wrong: a couple of Dale et al. citations seem to imply that). The fact that SiII traces X-ray gas should be presented as a hypothesis. Further tests can be done in support of that. X-ray images are available for about half the SINGS galaxies. One could check SiII/X-ray from the nucleus if possible. If not, make it fodder for future paper or a Chandra proposal.