George provided several handwritten comments that were addressed. Below are additional comments on Version 3.0. ================================================================ First two points are mostly curiosity, so you may or may not want to modify the paper for them. Next two points are worth thinking about. If you want to discuss (esp last point) I'm around and relatively available this week. I'm curious about the types of IR spectra you get when you sort the sample by IR/UV. I think it would be fun to see what alpha is for the various spectra in fig 9 (sorted by IR/UV). Does it support the broad correlation between IR/vis and color? Do the spectra stray away from the single-galaxy behavior? Part of the answer to this question is in fig 13, showing the 70/160 wedge, and that ratio being almost constant on average as IR/UV varies, but i'm curious about the other wavelengths and what they do, since the plots in fig 9 seems to show little change beyond 24um but lots of change shortwards of that. Similarly, I'm curious to find out whether the two eigenvector spectra in fig 10 have any relevance to real IR spectra of individual galaxies. To my eye, they look vaguely like warm and cool spectra, but that could be completely off. There's no plot that picks up that decomposition. On the clumpiness/condensation business, this is still looking very good. My only concern is that these estimators will have very different significance as you vary the distance over the sample. Let me suggest that fig 16 somehow add an indication of distance, even if it's something like <10Mpc and >30Mpc. I'm hoping it'll strengthen the case for resolution being a meaningful discriminant. --The figure now reflects distance information. No trend with distance is observed. I don'y buy your explanation of fig 17 spiral end. I'm not sure I have an alternative interpretation. I'm worried the increase in SSFR is driven mostly by an increase in UV, which would drive the apparent trend you see in the plot. --After input from several others including David H., I have changed the explanation. I just remembered that Helene in her NGC300 paper combining Spitzer and GALEX data found an interesting and intriguing dependence of the UV extinction law on geometry. Not entirely sure if relevant to this paper, but take a look and see if there is any potential connection. --I have added a reference to Roussel et al. 2005, since their Argument #2 for increased FUV/TIR with galacto-centric distance is similar to what I employ. ============================================================= sec 5.2: in middle of 1st para there is sentence "Put another way, IR/UV increases as redder. older stars increasingly dominate". I found this sentence a non-sequitur, esp in light of the later discussion in paper. I think you can already here talk about this being driven by the disk properties in terms of geometry in SFRegions, implying that primary factor driving the change is porosity or covering factor in SFRegions. --Good point. I have modified the text. sec 5.3, near end of 2nd para, you give a reason for why upper-left of fig 13 is empty, which begs the question of why lower-left. Also, in giving this explanation, i'd suggest you stick to direct physical arguments, ie instead of "dusty regions are associated with vigorous SF, which in turn implies warm dust", just say "high opacity implies higher density dust, closer to heating sources, therefore warmer dust". You comeback to this later on in the paper, but might as well do it here. --OK, fixed your latter concern. As for former, I don't have a decent explanation as for why we don't encounter cool, optically-thin galaxies. sec 5.3 at end, you say distance is not a driver for fig 16. If i refereed this paper i'd object: there is clearly a seondary correlation with distance, so i'd suggest you amend with "distance contributes but does not dominate as a driver for the effect" --Thanks. Wording altered.