1) In section 3. where the Milky Way foreground extinction is removed, the extinction curve used is from Li & Draine (2001) [BTW, this reference is missing from the bibliography]. This is a model extinction curve. Did you actually use the model extinction curve or the observed curve they used? If you used the observed curve, I think it would be better to reference the paper that presented the observed curve. I'm betting that this is an R_V = 3.1 CCM curve [Cardelli, J. A., Clayton, G. C., & Mathis, J. S. 1989, ApJ, 345, 245]. --I used the model. 2) In section 5.3, the discussion of the far-IR color includes a reference to "clean lines-of-sight" for UV photons to escape. "Clean" seems a bit vague. Maybe it would be better to say low tau (optical depth) sightlines? --Suggestion incorporated. Also, I am wondering if the discussion in this section could be tightened up. I will think about this some more and maybe send you some revised text if I can come up with some that makes sense. :-) =================================================================== 1) In the introduction, you quote Gordon et al. 2000 as supporting the use of the UV spectral slope for estimating the UV extinction. This is not what Gordon et al. 2000 found, but the opposite. The main results of Gordon et al. 2000 is that the ratio of IR/UV is a *great* measure of the UV extinction except for systems dominated by very old stars. Thus, it would be better to shift the reference to this paper to the next sentence talking about the IR/UV ratio. You should also add this reference (and Witt & Gordon 2000 for completeness) to the discussion of why the UV spectral slope versus IR/UV is not a tight relation. --I moved the reference to Gordon et al. 2000. 2) You mention that the MIPS fluxes and uncertainties have been tweaked, but you don't say why. The reason is that the MIPS calibration has been updated and you can even cite the three relevant papers (Engelbracht et al. in prep., Gordon et al. in prep., Stansberry et al. in prep.). All of these papers have drafts and will probably be submitted sometime in the next month or so. Just finishing all the details (which may change the updates MIPS calibration factors - just a FYI). --Done 3) In Tables 2&3, you list uncertainties for everything except for the optical/NIR. I noticed you had uncertainties in the ASCII tables you pointed me to. I think it would be great if you were to add the uncertainties for the optical/NIR data in Table 2 - as you've already done the work and it would help people using the data. --The uncertainties in the optical and nir data are dominated by systematics, so I prefer to simply state that percentage. 4) In section 5.3, Fig. 13 is introduced, but the introduction seems a bit limited. This section starts with a discussion of dwarf irregulars, but the plot has all the data in it. It seems like a sentence or two is missing since Fig. 13 has all the data in it. --Good point. I was trying to bridge the discussion between the end of 5.2 and the beginning of 5.3, but I can see that now I've sort of stunted the overall introduction for 5.3. I've tweaked the text to introduce all the data. 5) In the 3rd paragraph of section 5.3, the jump into describing the PSF fitting is a bit abrupt. Maybe something like "...dust from within thse regions (Helou et al. 2004). To test this idea, we have decomposed the 24um images into unresolved (point sources) and resolved emission. The point source photometry was done using..." This might require a bit of modification of the rest of the paragraph, but I think this would make a better start to what we've done. --Done 6) In Fig. 10, the caption lists 84% and 10% for the two eigenvectors, but the text says 88% and 7%. Which is right? --88 & 7. Thanks.