SWIRE homepage
Lockman Hole: The entire field is covered in r' to ~23.8, and a subset to g'~26, r'~25, i'~24.
This subset is shown by the red squares in the accompanying jpeg.
In addition we have U band and deeper gri covering the Chandra Xray field to the N.
See the grid of small magenta squares. This is about 1 sq deg.
These data are embargoed from us (and everyone) for a year+, because the GTO data are proprietary.
You may want to consider aiming your observations to coincide with this GTO field.
The pro is that the Spitzer data are quite a lot deeper than ours, over 0.4x1 deg.
The con is you won't get the SWIRE or the GTO data till late summer 2005 (or so).
See ELAIS N1Optical depths (5 sigma; point source) are: U 23.3; g 24.7; r 23.8; i 23.0; z 21.7. These are from the INT Wide Field Survey.The attached jpeg shows our MIPS (red) & IRAC (blue/violet) AORs along with the ISO field (pink) and INTWFS field (magenta).