SWIRE homepage
Lockman Hole: The entire field is covered in r' to ~23.8, and a subset to g'~26, r'~25, i'~24.
This subset is shown by the red squares in the  accompanying jpeg. 
In addition we have U band and deeper gri covering the Chandra Xray field to the N.
See the grid of small magenta squares.  This is about 1 sq deg.

See the MIPS scans in the Lockman Hole, and the GTO field to the east (yellow).
These data are embargoed from us (and everyone) for a year+, because the GTO data are proprietary.
You may want to consider aiming your observations to coincide with this GTO field.
The pro is that the Spitzer data are quite a lot deeper than ours, over 0.4x1 deg.
The con is you won't get the SWIRE or the GTO data till late summer 2005 (or so).

Optical depths (5 sigma; point source) are: U 23.3; g 24.7; r 23.8; i 23.0; z 21.7.  These are from the INT Wide Field Survey.
The attached jpeg shows our MIPS (red) & IRAC (blue/violet) AORs along with the ISO field (pink) and INTWFS field (magenta).