PHYS 4840 Mathematical and Computational Physics II Homework #4 Due 2013 March 15 Textbook problems 4.4, 4.8, 4.11, 4.13 For 4.4, please make "x vs t" and "y vs x" plots for three scenarios: A=0.5, B=1, x_initial=0.1, y_initial=2 A=1, B=3, x_initial=1, y_initial=1 A=2, B=5, x_initial=1, y_initial=1 In all scenarios please use Nstep=10000 and tau=0.01. For 4.8, please show me on paper the initial mathematics leading up to the code you eventually write. Hint: do 5 mini-loops, plus the outer loop. Do 6 junction rules (ignore "input" and "output" junctions). This leaves you with 12 equations and 12 unknowns. The plot in the back of the text assume epsilon=1 Volt. For 4.11, please use the following values for the spring constants and rest lengths: k=[1 1 4 2] L=[2 4 3 5] Also, please use a range of 0