PHYS 4840 Mathematical and Computational Physics II Homework #5 Due 2013 April 09 --> NOW DUE APRIL 11 @ 11:00 am! Textbook problems 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.15, 5.17a 5.2: Please quantify your answers. 5.6: "...from a straight line to a quartic ..." implies that you should try fitting four different polynomials: first, second, third, and fourth-order. Only fit Days 1 through 5. Please report the fitted/expected values for Day 6. For 5.17a, please produce plots of Power vs Frequency for the sawtooth wave, for fs=0.2 and N=50; fs=0.2123 and N=512; fs=0.8 and N=4096. Note that in Matlab, 'a mod n' is scripted as "rem(a,n)", e.g., 2.1 mod 2 is 0.1, 4.1 mod 2 is 0.1, etc.