PHYS 4840 Mathematical and Computational Physics II Homework #6 Due 2013 April 23 Textbook problems 6.4a, 6.6c, 7.2, 7.5 For 6.6(a,b), the solution is T(x,t) = Sum T_G(x - (nL+(-1)^n x_o), t) For 6.6c, please make a plot of T(x,t) vs x vs t and a plot of x vs t using N=61, tau=1.0e-4 s, and T(x,0)=delta(x-L/4). For 7.2, please produce plots for each of the following cases: tau=0.015, w=10pi, Lax and Lax-Wendroff tau=0.02 , w=10pi, Lax and Lax-Wendroff tau=0.03 , w=10pi, Lax and Lax-Wendroff tau=0.015, w=20pi, Lax and Lax-Wendroff Show both "initial" and "final" curves within each plot, using N_grid=50 and N_steps=500. Please compare why the plot pairs in each above case are either similar or dissimilar. For 7.5, make a plot showing both "initial" and "final" curves (for N_grid=50, tau=0.015, and N_steps=67)