ls see current directory's contents cd directory change to new directory pwd display current directory df view status of disk usage ps -aef view current processes/programs kill -9 WXYZ kill process # WXYZ mkdir directory create a directory mv file1 file2 rename a file cp (scp) file1 file2 copy a file (over the internet) rm file remove a file more (less) file view file sftp deposit/retrieve a file over the internet (password-encrypted); use 'get' or 'put' ssh computer connect to another computer (password-encrypted) nedit text editor emacs text editor ghostview file view a postscript file xv file view a postscript, jpeg, gif, png, tif, ... soffice start up StarOffice, a Windows `simulator' acroread start up AcroRead (for PDF files) lpr (-Pps213) file print a postscript or ASCII file (to printer in PS213) tar cvf name.tar * copy everything into a tar file called name.tar tar -xvf name.tar extract everything from a tar file called name.tar source ~/.cshrc update initialization file .cshrc in your home directory grep xyz file search for text 'xyz' in 'file' locate file search for 'file' on hard disk