Chapter 1 sections ===================================================== Most important: 1.1.,1.2,1.3 Least important: n/a Important topics/concepts: -ISM contains ordinary matter (gas & dust), B fields, cosmic rays -the cycle of star formation shapes the ISM -the make up and extent of the different phases of the ISM -radiative transport; optical depth; brightness temperatures for low and high tau limiting cases Chapters 2&3&4 sections ===================================================== Most important: 2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,3.2,3.3,4.1 Least important: 2.6,3.9,3.10,4.2 Important topics/concepts: -main physical processes for cooling -HII region cooling functions maintain T equilibrium -multi-phase models -neutral ISM heated via photo-electric effect on PAHs -ionized ISM heated via KE released from photo-ionization -X-ray absorption cross-section *decreases* with increasing E -[CII]158um is an important coolant of the neutral ISM -dust T is based on blackbody physics; gas T is based on speed of ISM gas particles Chapters 5&6 sections ===================================================== Most important: 5.2,5.3,6.1, Least important: 6.4,6.5 Important topics/concepts: -space-based 'scopes needed for gamma-ray, X-ray, UV, IR astronomy -dust grain extinction goes as lambda^-4 for small a/lambda; flat for large a/lambda -tau nearly identical to A -dust-to-gas ratio ~constant for different MW sightlines -large dust grains emit as (modified) blackbodies -PAHs are stochastically heated, and emit 'features' at specific mid-IR wavelengths via vibrational/flexing modes -infrared/radio ratio ~constant on global scales, but systematically varies within galaxies, thanks to different length scales that regulate the infrared vs radio emission Chapter 7 subsections ===================================================== Most important: 7.2.1, 7.4 (intro), 7.4.1, 7.5.3 Least important: 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 7.5.5 Important topics/concepts: -photo-ionization and recombination -photo-ionization cross-section and dependence on nu -recombination cross-section and dependence on T and e energy level n -Stromgren spheres based on balance of photo-ionization and recombination -ionization-based layering (stratification) of HII regions -'diffuse' vs 'direct' radiation from HII regions -each recombination produces Lyman alpha and a Balmer line -forbidden line emission and dependence on gas density Chapter 8 sections ===================================================== Most important: 8.2,8.3,8.4,8.5,8.6 Least important: 8.7,8.8 Important topics/concepts: -Multi-phase ISM more nuanced than original FGH two-phase model -Multiple co-spatial SNe create superbubbles and possibly lead to 'galactic chimneys' -HI clouds too diffuse and warm to collapse -Molecular cloud free-fall time inversely proportional to sqrt(density) -Factors that modulate GMC collapse: B fields, external pressures, rotation, metallicity -Schmidt-Kennicutt Law relates star formation rate to gas density Chapters 9&10 sections ===================================================== Most important: 9.1,9.3,9.4,9.6,9.8 Least important: 9.5,9.11,Ch.10 Important topics/concepts: Chapters 11&12 sections ===================================================== Most important: 11.2,12.2,12.3,12.5 Least important: n/a Important topics/concepts: