Observing Notes - 06/10/2017 Observatory: WIRO Observers : David PeQueen, Aylin McGough, Aman Kar, Bethany Garver Notes: - Cryocooler maintained operating temperature of -110 deg C without incident. - Wind speeds bordered most of the night on the 30 mph wind speed operating limit, but we did not observe any sustained winds greater than the limit that would be cause for a close of the dome shutters. - Sky flats successfully taken in all five filters as suggested on the webpage. However, after reviewing the transit timing for the night (mid-transit ~10:01 and end of transit around ~11:06), we as a group decided it made more sense to exclude the u' filter (longest required exposure time) and record data in only g', r', z', and i'. - Secondary weather station stopped operating / updating around 12:30. After inspecting the actual weather station and observing no obstructions / exterior issues, we disconnected the battery from the digital display and then re-installed it. Following this, the weather station output began updating again. - Around 2:00, we noticed star trails starting to form on our lower magnitude (brighter) stars, implying some sort of tracking problem. Based on the direction of the dome opening and wind direction, we reasoned that the higher winds could be causing this effect. We decided to raise the lower windscreen by ~30 degrees, and this did in fact seem to eliminate the star trails. As our target started to set, we incrementally decreased the height of the lower windscreen. - Took 20 biases