Observing Notes - 06/28/2017 Observatory: WIRO Observers : David PeQueen, Aman Kar, Kyla Jarka Notes: - Rainy and heavy cloud cover to begin night. Took 50 biases. - Cleared up around 12:00 MT. Therefore data collected from mid-transit to end of transit and some out of transit. - Telescope pointing issues. After we zeroed the telescope and slewed to our target, the actual target was nearly out of the field of view to the left (in between quadrants II and III). This has been a developing issue for the last several days, but grew significantly more severe tonight. The previous two nights with KOI-1008 and TrES-2 b, after the zero and slew, the target was a few arcminutes to the left of the center vertical line, but tonight it was just ~2 arcminutes from the edge of the field. - This combined with being a very busy / crowded field made it extraordinarily dificult to identify our target. After spending ~30 minutes trying several different methods to identify targets, we started taking science images without finding our target. Science images started at a055 and at a082 the target was identified. By this point, we thought it best to keep the target in the same position on our images, rather than try to slew to a "better" location and potentially advesely affect our data reduction process and comparison star options. - Decided to not observe in u' filter after losing a significant portion of the transit to weather and the lengthy exposure times that would required. Did collect data in g' r' z' and i'. - Taking morning flats in place of twilight flats due to precipitation earlier in the night.