#FIELD = 'NoName' /Field Name #CAT_ID = 'USNOB' /Catalogue ID #NOBJECTS= 3 /Number of Objects In File #EQUINOX = J2000.0 /Equinox #EPOCH = 2000.000000 /Epoch #RA = 20 48 55.0 /Center RA(EQUINOX,EPOCH) [hh mm ss] #DEC = +45 37 27.2 /Center DEC(EQUINOX,EPOCH) [dd mm ss] #DRA = 0.008333 /Box Width [deg] #DDEC = 0.008333 /Box Height [deg] #MAGNITUD= 'R2' /Primary Sort Color #BR_MAG = 0.00 /Bright Magnitude Limit [mag] #FT_MAG = 100.00 /Faint Magnitude Limit [mag] #COLOR = 'B2-R2' /Color0 minus Color1 (C0-C1) #BR_MIN = -100.00 /Color Limit: Min. C0-C1 [mag] #BR_MAX = 100.00 /Color Limit: Max. C0-C1 [mag] #MU_MIN = 0.00 /Min. Proper Motion [mas/yr] #MU_MAX = 10000.00 /Max. Proper Motion [mas/yr] #SPOS_MIN= 0.00 /Min. Position Error [mas] #SPOS_MAX= 10000.00 /Max. Position Error [mas] #SMU_MIN = 0.00 /Min. Proper Motion Error [mas/yr] #SMU_MAX = 10000.00 /Max. Proper Motion Error [mas/yr] #SD_MAX = 10000000.00 /Maximum Surface Density [N/deg^2] #MIN_PTS = 0 /Min. # of Observations #MAX_PTS = 10 /Max. # of Observations #MIN_SG = 0 /Min. Star/Galaxy Sep. Index #MAX_SG = 19 /Max. Star/Galaxy Sep. Index #FLGMASK0= 0x00000000 /Lower Bit Mask for Flags #FLGMASK1= 0xffffffff /Upper Bit Mask for Flags #COLBITS = 0x084030af /Column Selection Bits #END #1 id| RA| DEC| sRa| sDec|sRaEp|sDeEp| MuRA| MuDEC| sMuRA| sMuDE| B1| R1| B2| R2| I2| Gal_L| Gal_B| EstMag| #2 id| hh mm ss| dd mm ss| mas| mas| mas| mas| mas/yr| mas/yr| mas/yr| mas/yr| mag| mag| mag| mag| mag| ddd.ddd| ddd.ddd| K| #3 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16| 17| 18| 19| 1356-0393733 20 48 53.6473 +45 37 27.630 734 469 734 469 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000 14.710 0.000 0.000 15.020 85.3685877 1.1869421 -50.000 3575-03879-1 20 48 54.9887 +45 37 27.200 0 0 0 0 -4.0 -6.0 0.0 0.0 8.920 8.470 8.770 8.450 8.320 85.3709619 1.1838345 8.232 1356-0393782 20 48 56.3173 +45 37 28.700 839 999 839 999 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.470 0.000 0.000 0.000 13.390 85.3737289 1.1810939 -50.000