Research Projects and Grants
Title: Investigation of Magnetic Skyrmions and Magnetic Polarons
in Oxygen Deficient EuO1-x
PIs: J.
Tang, T.-Y. Chien and Y. Dahnovsky
Agency: NSF
Period: September
2017 through August 2020
Title: Magnetic Separation and Chemical
Speciation of Rare Earth Elements in Wyoming PRB Coal and Related Applications of its Derived
PIs: J.
Tang, M. Fan and F. McLaughlin
Agency: SER
Wyoming Carbon Engineering Initiative
Period: July
2016 through June 2018
Title: Quantum
Dot Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Ternary Oxide Nanowires
PIs: W. Wang (PD), J. Tang, M. Balaz, T. Chien, Y. Dahnovsky, J. Pikal
Agency: DOE
Period: October 2010 through September 2016
Title: Acquisition of a Thin Film and Powder X-Ray Diffractometer for Energy Research at the University of Wyoming
PIs: J. Tang, M. Fan, B. Leonard, B.A. Parkinson, W. Wang
Agency: UW/SER
Period: May 2012 through May 2013
Title: MRI-R2:
Acquisition of a Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) at the
University of Wyoming
PIs: B.A.
Parkinson (PD), C.M. Eggleston, J. Tang, S. M. Swapp
Agency: NSF (CHE-0960307)
Period: May
2010 through April 2013
Title: New High Efficiency Thermoelectric Materials
for Thermal Energy Harvesting
PIs: G.-L Zhao, J. Tang and S.M. Guo
Agency: NSF (CBET-0754821)
Period: August 2008 through July 2013
Title: Realization of Half-Metallicity in
PI: J. Tang
Agency: NSF (DMR-0852862)
Period: November 2008 through November 2010
Title: Graduate
Assistantship for research and course development in thermal & electrical
transport in energy materials
PI: J. Tang
Agency: UW/SER
Period: September 2009 through August 2011