Astro 1050     Mon., Nov. 11, 2002
   Today: Chapter 13, Galaxies

Homework #8
Q 1:  If the inner accretion disk around a black hole has a temperature of 1 million K, at what wavelength will it radiate the most energy?
Use Wien’s Law: λpeak = 3 million nm K/T = 3 million nm/1 million
                             λpeak = 3 nm
Q 2:  Which of the below sequences shows objects with increasing densities?
Density is mass/volume, so...
Red Giant -- White Dwarf -- Neutron Star -- Black Hole
Q 3:  The black hole in the center of our Milky Way galaxy seems to be about 2.6 million times the mass of the sun. What is the radius of its event horizon?
Rs = 2GM/c2
Rs = 7.8 million km, which is about 11 times the solar radius and 5% of an AU.
Q 4:  Assume a white dwarf and neutron star have the same temperatures. White dwarfs are hard to spot because they are small (about the size of Earth). Neutron stars are smaller. How much fainter are they?
Use Steffan-Boltzmann Law, or just the Scaling law for stars:  L = 4πR2T4
LWD/LNS = (RWD/RNS)2 = (radius earth=6000 km/10 km)2
LWD/LNS = (600 x 600) = 360000 times (round to 400000)
Q 5:  Why the "millisecond pulsars“?  Because the neutron star:
1. Is spinning hundreds of times per second.

Chapter 13: Galaxies
Family of Galaxies
Properties of Galaxies
Distance; The Hubble Law
Size and Luminosity
Mass (including Dark Matter)
Evolution of Galaxies

The Hubble Deep Field

“Tuning Fork” Diagram

Types of Galaxies  (pg. 254-255)
      Sa                   Sb              Sc
   (large nuclei     
Þ  small nuclei)
(little gas,dust   
Þ lots of gas, dust)
     SBa                SBb            SBc    (as above, with BARS)
E0  E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7
(spherical)               (highly elliptical)

Spiral types
The nuclear bulge is population II  (old objects)
So the Sa – Sc sequence is consistent with
 little gas
Þ more gas

Elliptical Galaxy: M87

Irregular Galaxies: Magellanic Clouds

Properties of Galaxies
Use Cepheid Variables for close objects
Other objects for which Absolute Magnitude is known:
Planetary nebula in certain emission lines
Use “Hubble Law” for more distant objects
(Correlation of distance with radial velocity)
Diameter and Luminosity
Obtain from angular size and magnitude, combined with distance
Rotation curves
Velocity dispersion
90 to 99% of mass is
“dark matter”

The Hubble Law using galaxies with visible Cepheid variables.

Hubble Law Example
vr = H0 d
  with H0=0.5 (mile/hr)/mile

Hubble Law Example
vr = H0 d
  with H0=0.5 (mile/hr)/mile

Hubble Law Example
vr = H0 d
  with H0=0.5 (mile/hr)/mile

Hubble Law Example using relative vr and relative d

The Hubble Law using secondary distance indicators
Ho = 72 ±8 km/s/Mpc

The Local Group of Galaxies
Galaxies live in clusters
Rich clusters:  thousands of galaxies
Poor clusters:  Fewer than a thousand

The Coma Cluster

Evolution of Galaxies
Galaxies live in clusters
Rich clusters:  thousands of galaxies
Poor clusters:  Few than a thousand
Fundamental difference between stars and galaxies:
Stars live isolated lives:
They are much smaller than distance between them
They virtually never collide
Galaxies are not isolated
They are only slightly smaller than the distances between them
The can (and do) collide, and interact with gas within clusters

Effects of Collisions
Stars pass “through” each other, but orbits around galaxy disrupted
Gas clouds collide
Gas stripped away from stars
Collisions cause bursts of star formation
Ellipticals may be those galaxies which have suffered collisions
Spirals may be those galaxies which have not suffered collisions

Interacting Galaxies: Cartwheel

Interacting Galaxies: The Antennae

The Hubble Deep Field

Evidence for “Hierarchical” Galaxy Formation from the Hubble Deep Field

Chapter 13: Galaxies
Family of Galaxies
Properties of Galaxies
Distance; The Hubble Law
Size and Luminosity
Mass (including Dark Matter)
Evolution of Galaxies