Astro 1050     Wed. Nov. 12, 2003
   Today: Ch. 12: The Milky Way

Possible Origin of Spiral Arms
Differential rotation smears features out into spiral patterns
But can’t be whole story:
Number of times Sun has orbited the galaxy:
10 billion yr/200 million yr
= 50 times
Spiral arms would have been wound up very tightly
Something must continuously rebuild them

Degree of Organization
 of the Spiral Arms
Different degrees of organization
Grand Design
Spirals: M51
Flocculent (“wooly”) Spirals

Degree of Organization
 of the Spiral Arms
Different degrees of organization
Grand Design
Spirals: M51
Flocculent (“wooly”) Spirals

Tracing the Spiral Arms
Arms NOT  obvious if you look at:
Old objects like the sun
Arms ARE obvious if you look at:
Maps of gas clouds
21 cm Hydrogen
Radio maps of CO
Far infrared observations of dust
Young stars
O, B stars
“HII” ionized hydrogen regions surrounding O,B stars
Clouds somehow form in arms , then dissipate between them
Short lived objects only get a short distance from their places of birth
O stars, Lifetime = few million years,  at 250 km/s Ž500 pc

M51:  The Whirlpool Galaxy

Density Wave Theory
SPIRAL WAVE rotates with galaxy, but slower than individual stars
Like moving traffic jam after an accident has been cleared
Gas (and stars) catch up with wave, move through it, eventually reach front
Just like cars catching up with moving traffic jam, eventually get through it
Gas is more crowded in wave – clouds collapse to form new stars
More collisions in the traffic jam
There are slightly more old stars in the arm too, because they speed up slightly coming into it and slow down slightly moving out of it.
But the best tracers are the things that mark recent cloud collapses:  O,B stars, etc.

M51:  The Whirlpool Galaxy

Self Sustaining Star Formation
Cloud collapse Ž New stars
New stars Ž Supernova after few million years
Supernova Ž Shock Waves
Shock Waves Ž Nearby clouds collapse
Differential Rotation twists pattern into spiral

Two limiting cases of spirals
Grand Design: Density Wave
Flocculent: Self Sust. Star Form. + Diff. Rot.
In most Galaxies you have some combination of the two

The Nucleus of the Galaxy
Likely Black hole
High velocities
Large energy generation
At  a=275 AU  P=2.8 yr Ž 2.7 million solar masses
Radio image of Sgr A
about 3 pc across, with model of surrounding disk

A movie of stars at the core
Very cool, brand new, and worth a look!
This is the best evidence to date for a massive black hole at the Galactic core.  Now essentially “proven.”

A movie of stars at the core