Astro 1050     Fri. Sep. 30, 2005
   Today:  Extra Credit Articles
Finish Ch. 5
Start Chapter 6: Starlight and Atoms

Chandra X-ray Observatory

The Highest Tech Mirrors Ever!
Chandra is the first X-ray telescope to have image as sharp as optical telescopes.

The Power of the Infrared

Infrared Telescopes

Spitzer Space Telescope
Heir to 1980s IRAS mission.
Mid to far IR.
Only 60 cm, Earth-trailing orbit, 5 year lifetime.
Imaging and mid-R spectroscopy.
DUST is important!

Spitzer Space Telescope
Discovered by a Wyoming grad student and professor.  The “Cowboy Cluster” – an overlooked Globular Cluster.

Kepler’s Supernova with all three of NASA’s Great Observatories
Just 400 years ago:         (Oct. 9, 1604)
Then a bright, naked eye object (no telescopes)
It’s still blowing up – now 14 light years wide and expanding at 4 million mph.
There’s material there at MANY temperatures, so many wavelengths are needed to understand it.

A Multiwavelength Look at Cygnus A
A merger-product, and powerful radio galaxy.

Radio Telescopes

Chapter 6: Starlight and Atoms
Some Good Star Quotes
“Be humble, for the worst thing in the world is of the same stuff as you; be confident, for the stars are of the same stuff as you.” –Nicholai Velimirovic
“No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land or opened a new heaven to the human spirit.” - Helen Keller

Atoms – Historical Development
To some Greeks, were smallest “indivisible” unit of matter
In 1700’s, 1800’s discovery of chemical “elements” (H, He, C, O, N, ...)
somehow made of different kinds of atoms
In early 1900’s, parts of atoms and reasons the elements differ understood
In early to mid 1900’s ways to change one kind of atom into another understood
radioactive decay

Atoms – Basic Characteristics
Very small (for 1H:  mass = 1.67´10-27 kg, Diameter = 0.4 nm = 4´10-10 m)
Composed of an even smaller nucleus and an “orbiting” cloud of electrons
Nucleus is small even compared to size of atom (for 1H: D=1.6 ´10-15 m)
So atoms are mostly empty space
Nucleus contains almost all the mass and is positively charged
Electrons are negatively charged and usually balance charge of nucleus
Almost like a miniature solar system:  Sun Þ Nucleus, Planets Þ Electrons
Like solar system, atoms are mostly empty space  (nucleus small)
Like solar system, force is 1/r2, but from electric attraction, not gravity
Unlike solar system, need to use Quantum Mechanics, not Newtonian Mechanics
Only certain Electron “Orbits” will be allowed by Q.M.

Atoms – Constituent Parts I
Atoms contain 3 kinds of particles:
Electrons – in orbits Negatively charged Very low mass (1/1836 mp)
Protons   -- in nucleus Positively charged      More “massive”
Neutrons – in nucleus Electrically neutral     mn » mp

Atoms – Constituent Parts II
# of protons (Z) determines charge of nucleus Þ electrical properties Þ element
Chemical reactions involve sharing/exchanging electrons  (See periodic table  A-16)
Hydrogen:  Z=1
Helium:      Z=2
Lithium:     Z=3
Carbon:      Z=6

Atoms – Constituent Parts III
# of protons  and  # of neutrons   determines mass and nuclear properties
Same element (same Z) but different # of neutrons Þ isotope of same element
Isotopes behave same chemically, but have different nuclear properties
 1H = 1 proton,   0 neutrons  (regular hydrogen)
 2H = 1 proton,   1 neutron   (deuterium)
 3H = 1 proton,   2 neutrons  (tritium)
4He= 2 protons, 2 neutrons  (regular helium)
12C = 6 protons, 6 neutrons  (regular carbon)        14C = ???

Atoms – Electron Configuration
Molecules:  Multiple atoms sharing/exchanging electrons  (H2O, CH4)
Ions:          Single atoms where one or more electrons have escaped  (H+)
Binding energy:   Energy needed to let electron escape
Permitted “orbits” or energy levels
By rules of quantum mechanics, only certain “orbits” are allowed
Ground State:  Atom with electron in lowest energy orbit
Excited State:  Atom with at least one atom in a higher energy orbit
Transition:    As electron jumps from one energy level orbit to another,
  atom must release/absorb energy different, usually in form of light.
As only certain orbits are allowed, only certain energy jumps are allowed, and atoms can absorb or emit only certain energies (wavelengths) of light.
In complicated molecules or “solids” many orbits and transitions are allowed
Can use energy levels  to “fingerprint” elements and estimate temperatures.

Temperature and Heat
Thermal energy is “kinetic energy” of moving atoms and molecules
Hot material energy has more energy available which can be used for
Chemical reactions
Nuclear reactions (at very high temperature)
Escape of gasses from planetary atmospheres
Creation of light
Collision bumps electron up to higher energy orbit
It emits extra energy as light when it drops back down to lower energy orbit
(Reverse can happen in absorption of light)

Temperature Scales
Want temperature scale where energy is proportional to T
Celsius scale is “arbitrary”  (Fahrenheit even more so)
0o C     = freezing point of water
100o C = boiling point of water
By experiment, energy = 0 at “Absolute Zero” = –273oC  (-459.7oF)
Define “Kelvin” scale with same step size as Celsius, but 0K = -273oC = Absolute Zero
Use Kelvin Scale for most of work in this course
Available energy is proportional to T, making equations simple (really! OK, simpler)
273K = freezing point of water
373K = boiling point of water
300K   approximately room temperature

Planck “Black Body Radiation”
Hot objects glow (emit light)
Heat (and collisions) in material causes electrons to jump to high energy orbits
As electrons drop back down, some of energy is emitted as light.
Reason for name “Black Body Radiation”
In a “solid” body the close packing of the atoms means than the electron orbits are complicated, and virtually all energy orbits are allowed.  So all wavelengths of light can be emitted or absorbed.  (In a gas with isolated atoms, only certain orbits are permitted so only certain wavelengths can be absorbed or emitted.)
A  black material is one which readily absorbs all wavelengths of light.  These turn out to be the same materials which also readily emit all wavelengths when hot.

Planck “Black Body Radiation”
The hotter the material the more energy it emits as light
As you heat up a filament or branding iron, it glows brighter and brighter
The hotter the material the more readily it emits high energy (blue) photons
As you heat up a filament or branding iron, it first glows dull red, then bright red, then orange, then if you continue, yellow, and eventually blue

Planck and other Formulae
Planck formula gives intensity of light at each wavelength
It is complicated.  We’ll use two simpler formulae which can be derived from it.
Wien’s law tells us what wavelength has maximum intensity
Stefan-Boltzmann law tells us total radiated energy per unit area

Example of Wien’s law
What is wavelength at which you glow?
Room T = 300 K so
This wavelength is about 20 times longer than what your eye can see.  Camera in class operated at 7-14 μm.
What is temperature of the sun – which has maximum intensity at roughly 0.5 mm?

Example of the Stefan-Boltzmann law
Suppose a brown-out causes the temperature of a lamp filament to drop to 0.9 of its original value.  By what factor does the light output of the lamp drop?
Using the Stefan-Boltzmann law (with the numerical value of s) we could have calculated how big (in m2) a light filament would have to be to emit 100 W of light, at any given temperature.
We could also use it to find the size of a star, if we know how much light energy that star emitted

Kirchoff’s laws
Hot solids emit continuous spectra
Hot gasses try to do this, but can only emit discrete wavelengths
Cold gasses try to absorb these same discrete wavelengths
In stars we see absorption lines – what does that tell us?
Stars have “atmospheres” of gasses
Stars must be colder on the outside, hotter on the inside

Hydrogen Lines
Energy absorbed/emitted depends on upper and lower levels
Higher energy levels are close together
Above a certain energy, electron can escape     (ionization)
Series of lines named for bottom level
To get absorption, lower level must be occupied
Depends upon temperature of atoms
To get emission, upper level must be occupied
Can get down-ward cascade through many levels

Which levels will be occupied?
The higher the temperature, the higher the typical level
Collisions can knock electrons to higher levels,
if moving atoms have enough kinetic energy
At T ~      300 K (room T)  almost all H in ground state (n=1)
At T ~ 10,000 K many H are in first excited state (n=2)
At T ~ 15,000 K many H are ionized
Because you have highest n=2 population at ~10,000K
you also have highest Balmer line strength there.
This gives us another way to estimate temperatures of stars

Sense larger T range using many atoms
Different atoms hold on to electrons with different force
Use weakly held electrons to sense low temperatures  (Fe, Ca, TiO)
TiO molecule is destroyed above 4000K
Ca has lost 1 electron by ~5000K, but still has others to give lines
Use moderately held electrons to sense middle temperatures  (H)
Below 6000 K most H electrons in lowest state – can’t cause Balmer lines
Above 15,000K most H electrons completely lost (ionized)
Use tightly held electrons to sense high temperatures  (He, ionized He)
Below 10,000K most He electrons in ground state – just like H, no visible absorption lines
Above 15,000K most H has lost one electron, but still has a second one to cause absorptions

Classification of stars
O B A F G K M scheme
Originally in order of H strength – A,B,etc Above order is for decreasing temperature
Standard mnemonic:  Oh, Be A Fine Girl (Guy), Kiss Me
Use numbers for finer divisions:  A0, A1, ... A9, F0, F1, ... F9, G0, G1, ...

Composition of Stars
Somewhat complicated – we must correct for temperature effects
Regular pattern:
More of the simplest atoms:  H, then He, ...
Subtle patterns later – related to nuclear fusion in stars

Doppler effect
Effect similar in light and sound
Waves compressed with source moving toward you
Sound pitch is higher, light wavelength is smaller (bluer)
Waves stretched with source moving away from you
Sound pitch is lower, light wavelength is longer (redder)
v  =  velocity of source
c  =  velocity of light (or sound)
l  =  apparent wavelength of light
lo =  original wavelength of light

Doppler effect examples
Car with horn blowing, moving away from you at 70 MPH.
Speed of sound is ~700 MPH = 1000 ft/sec
Original horn pitch is 200 cycles/sec Þ lo ~ 5 ft
Star moving toward you at 200 km/sec = 2.0´105 m/s
Speed of light c = 3.00 ´ 108 m/s
Original Ha   lo= 0.65647 mm