Review Chapters 5-8
Chapter 5: Just a few topics
Telescope resolution
Function of size, wavelength
Observations at different wavelengths
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Telescopes in space (why)

Review Chapters 5-8
Chapter 6: Starlight and Atoms
Model Atom, parts, energy levels
Emission and Absorption Lines
Blackbody Radiation
Wien’s Law, Steffan-Boltzmann Law
Spectra of Stars
Balmer thermometer, spectral types (OBAFGKM)
Doppler Effect

Review Chapters 5-8
Chapter 7: The Sun
Atmospheric Structure
Temperature, density, etc., with radius
Sunspots/Magnetic Phenomena
What are they?  Why do they exist?
Nuclear Fusion – proton-proton chain
What is it?  How does it produce energy?
Solar Neutrino “Problem”
What is it?  Is it still a problem?

Review Chapters 5-8
Chapter 7: The Sun – example question
Q. The fusion process in the sun, the "proton-proton" chain, requires high temperatures because:
c of the ground-state energy of the Hydrogen atom.
c of the presence of Helium atoms.
c the colliding protons need high energy to overcome the Coulomb barrier.
c of the need for low density.
c the neutrinos carry more energy away than the reaction produces.

An example:
Problem from textbook:
mV MV d (pc) P (arcsec)
___ 7 10 _______
11 ___ 1000 _______
___ -2 ____ 0.025
4 ___ ____ 0.040

Problem #4:
m MV d (pc) P (arcsec)
7 7 10 0.1
11 1 1000 0.001
1 -2 40 0.025
4 2 25 0.040

Review Chapters 5-8
Chapter 8: The Properties of Stars
Distances to Stars
Parallax and Parsecs
Spectroscopic Parallax
Intrinsic Brightness: Luminosity
Absolute Magnitude
Luminosity, Radius, and Temperature
Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) Diagram
Luminosity Classes (e.g., Main Sequence, giant)
Masses of Stars
Binary Stars and Kepler’s Law
Mass-Luminosity Relationship

Review Chapters 5-8
Chapter 8: Properties of Stars—example question
Q. A star’s luminosity depends only on the star’s:
c distance and diameter.
c temperature and distance.
c distance.
c temperature and diameter.
c apparent magnitude
Another version of the question can be made for apparent magnitude .