Astr 1050     Wed., Apr. 21, 2004

Chapter 16: Origin of the Solar System

Patterns in Motion

Spacing of Planets

Solar Nebula Model

Extra-Solar Planets

Characteristics of “Planets”

Slide 8

Patterns in Composition

Equilibrium Condensation Model

Growth of the Planetisimals

Evidence of Assembly Process?    Craters

Craters evident on almost all small “planets”

Clearing of the Nebula

Patterns and Predictions

Chapter 17: Terrestrial Planets

“Comparative Planetology”

Four Stages of Planetary Development

Earth’s Atmosphere: Greenhouse Effect

The Moon and Mercury

Patterns in Geologic Activity

What is a crater?

Formation of an impact crater

Examples of craters on the moon

Effects of late impacts

Moon: Giant Impact Hypothesis
