Astr 1050     Mon., Apr. 25, 2005

Chapter 16: Origin of the Solar System

Patterns in Motion

Solar Nebula Model

Extra-Solar Planets

Characteristics of “Planets”

Slide 7

Patterns in Composition

Equilibrium Condensation Model

Growth of the Planetisimals

Evidence of Assembly Process?    Craters

Craters evident on almost all small “planets”

Clearing of the Nebula

Chapter 17: Terrestrial Planets

“Comparative Planetology”

Four Stages of Planetary Development


The Active Earth

Earth’s Atmosphere: Greenhouse Effect

The Moon and Mercury

Patterns in Geologic Activity

Formation of an impact crater

Examples of craters on the moon

Effects of late impacts

Moon: Giant Impact Hypothesis


Expect Venus to be similar to Earth?
(It isn’t!)

Why does Venus have much more CO2 in atmosphere than Earth?

Surface Relief of Venus from Radar


Lava Channels

Pancake Domes

Slide 33

Lots of Martian Science Fiction

Mars and the Pattern of Geologic Activity
and Atmospheric Loss

Which planets can retain which gasses?

Mars atmosphere today

Mars dust storm

Sand Dunes on Mars

Water ice clouds

Ancient River Channels?
(note channels older than some craters – by superposition)

Recent liquid water?
(water seeping out of underground “aquifer” ?)

Layered Deposits

Where is the water today?

“Comparative Planetology”

Chapter 18: Worlds of the Outer Solar System

Jovian Planets

Ice+Rock Core    H+He “Atmosphere”

Details of the atmosphere

Jupiter as seen by Cassini

Magnetic fields and trapped particles

Aurora on Jupiter

Comparison of Jovian Planets

Saturn as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope

The Roche Limit
When can tides tear a moon apart?

Rings are individual particles all orbiting separately

Comparison of Rings

Jupiter as a miniature solar system

Io, Europa break rules about activity

Tidal heating explains activity

Possible H2O ocean on Europa

Callisto not active

Comparison of Satellites


Chapter 19:  Meteorites, Asteroids, Comets


The larger asteroids

Are Asteroids Primitive?

Phobos & Deimos:  Two “misplaced” asteroids?

Types of Meteorites

Meteors vs. Meteorites

Large Meteor over the Tetons (1972)

The Leonids  2001

Meteor Showers and Comets

Comets:         Hale-Bopp in April 1997

Comet characteristics

Comet structure

Hale-Bopp clearly shows components

Where do comets come from?
Long period comets:  The Oort Cloud

Importance of comets

Pluto and Charon