Review Chapters 5-9
Chapter 5: Just a few topics
Telescope resolution
Function of size, wavelength
Telescopes in space (why)
Telescopes in different parts of the spectrum

Review Chapters 5-9
Chapter 6: Starlight and Atoms
Model Atom, parts, energy levels
Emission and Absorption Lines
Blackbody Radiation
Wien’s Law, Steffan-Boltzmann Law
Spectra of Stars
Balmer thermometer, spectral types (OBAFGKM)
Doppler Effect

Review Chapters 5-9
Chapter 7: The Sun
Atmospheric Structure
Temperature, density, etc., with radius
Sunspots/Magnetic Phenomena
What are they?  Why do they exist?
Nuclear Fusion – proton-proton chain
What is it?  How does it produce energy?
Solar Neutrino “Problem”
What is it?  Is it still a problem?

Review Chapters 5-9
Chapter 7: The Sun – example question
Q. The fusion process in the sun, the "proton-proton" chain, requires high temperatures because:
c of the ground-state energy of the Hydrogen atom.
c of the presence of Helium atoms.
c the colliding protons need high energy to overcome the Coulomb barrier.
c of the need for low density.
c the neutrinos carry more energy away than the reaction produces.

Review Chapters 5-9
Chapter 8: The Properties of Stars
Distances to Stars
Parallax and Parsecs
Spectroscopic Parallax
Intrinsic Brightness: Luminosity
Absolute Magnitude
Luminosity, Radius, and Temperature
Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) Diagram
Luminosity Classes (e.g., Main Sequence, giant)
Masses of Stars
Binary Stars and Kepler’s Law
Mass-Luminosity Relationship

An example:
Problem from textbook:
mV MV d (pc) P (arcsec)
___ 7 10 _______
11 ___ 1000 _______
___ -2 ____ 0.025
4 ___ ____ 0.040

Problem #4:
m MV d (pc) P (arcsec)
7 7 10 0.1
11 1 1000 0.001
1 -2 40 0.025
4 2 25 0.040

Review Chapters 5-9
Chapter 8: Properties of Stars—example question
Q. A star’s luminosity depends only on the star’s:
c distance and diameter.
c temperature and distance.
c distance.
c temperature and diameter.
c apparent magnitude
Another version of the question can be made for apparent magnitude .

Review Chapters 5-9
Chapter 9: Formation and Structure of Stars
Interstellar Medium and different sorts of nebulae, reddening
Protostars, star formation (on HR diagram)
Fusion in stars
CNO cycle
Heavy element fusion
Lifetimes on the main sequence
The Orion Nebula as a star-forming region