Astr 5460     Wed., Sep. 22, 2004
   Today: Homeworks due – discussion?
WIRO Observing trip
More on Elliptical Galaxies
(Ch. 4, Combes et al. , Ch. 3, Longair)
  Unless noted, all figs and eqs from Combes et al. or Longair.

Spectroscopy of Ellipticals
Top is K0 III star, M87 off center, M87 near center
Stellar Absorption Lines, note Ca II H&K
Properties of interest are dispersion and shift.  Dispersion is especially complicated since it depends on an ensemble of stars with different absorption line widiths.

Spectroscopy of Ellipticals
Rotation (V) and velocity dispersion (σ) curves for some ellipticals (Davies et al. 1983)

Triaxial Elliptical Galaxies
So, are ellipticals simple to understand dynamically?  Not so clear.  We’re seeing a 2D picture of a 3D object.
In general, elliptical galaxies rotate too slowly for this to account for the flattening observed.  In other words, their ratios of rotational to random kinetic energy is too low.
If ellipticity e were due to rotation (e.g., a pure oblate rotator with an isotropic velocity distribution) then (Vrot/σ)iso ~ (e/(1-e))1/2.  Is it?

Triaxial Elliptical Galaxies

Ellipticity Profiles
Fit ellipses to surface brightness distribution.
Can define “boxy” and “disky” galaxies (see Kormendy & Djorgovski 1989, ARAA, 27, 235), which correlate with other properties.

Ellipticity Profiles

Ellipticity Profiles
Top, e(r) plotted for some galaxies.
Bottom, e(r) and position angle as a function of radius.  Proof of triaxalality?  Or artifact of other?
Just FYI, e = 1-b/a and r = (ab)1/2

Ellipticity Profiles
Deviations in r1/4 light profile can be quantified into classes, and corresponds with the presence of close neighbor galaxies (T3).

Other Probes of Shape
Stellar “shells” from capture of smaller galaxies.
Dust lanes associated with captured material in equilibrium.
See text for more discussion.

Models of Elliptical Galaxies
Should follow equations of stellar dynamics.
Treat as “collisionless” ensemble
Relaxation time is important – this defines the time between “collisions”
Work out energetically to get
Trelax = V3/8πnG2m2log(R/b)
V is mean relative speed, n is stellar density, m is the mean stellar mass, R is radius of galaxy, and b is the minimum impact parameter.
Details will probably be a homework problem.

Models of Elliptical Galaxies
Crossing times: Tcross ~ R/V
Relaxation time then varies as
Trelax ~ 0.2(N/logN) Tcross where N is the number of stars in the system
For galaxies, crossing times ~1/100 the age of the universe (100 million years), and the relaxation times are on order of 1017 years – so close interactions between stars essentially never happen.  “Collisionless” is a good approximation.  This is because N is large, and the collision must be very close for another star’s potential to overwhelm the ensemble potential.
Note: this argument is NOT true for Globular Clusters!  Also not true for galaxy clusters!
The upshot of this is that you can treat galaxies in terms of motions in a global potential.

On Model Approaches
Combes et al. approach the subject from the general case of distribution functions (f) – what are the positions, velocities, and time of the stars moving in a potential?
Can start with the continuity equation (mass) which is the collisionless Boltzmann equation, AKA the Vlasov equation:
-dU/dr is the gravitational force exerted.  The potential can be obtained from the Poisson eq: ΔU(r) =4πGρ(r).  Must find f(r,v) that solves these self-consistently.  They discusses the isothermal sphere case:
f(E)=(2πσ2)-3/2ρ0e -E/σ2 (complications vanish in symmetry)
Should be familiar-looking function.  Still, want density as a function of radius.

Isothermal Gas Spheres
Longair’s starting point is the Lane-Emden equation (4-7), which assumes spherical symmetry and hydrostatic equilibrium.  Isothermal = same mean velocities everywhere.  Can apply to stars, galaxies, clusters.

Isothermal Gas Spheres
Simple case, for which ideal gas law holds at all radii, p = ρkT/mass.  In thermal equilibrium, 3/2 kT = ˝ mass <v2>, therefore:
Non-linear, only has an analytical solution for large r using a power-series expansion and applying some reasonable boundary conditions.

Isothermal Gas Spheres
Boundary conditions:
Smoluchowski’s Envelope at large radii where density, timescales go to extremes.
In astrophysical systems, outmost radii are subject to interactions with other clusters, hence a tidal radius.

Isothermal Gas Spheres
Then recast our equation as:
Where we have the dimensionless quantities x=r/α and ρ = ρ0y, & A, structural length α:

Isothermal Gas Spheres
As usual in real astronomy things are complicated because we only see a projection rather than a 3D distribution.  The projection surface density distribution onto a plane is:
Where now q is the projected distance from the center.

Isothermal Gas Spheres
Tabular solution:

Isothermal Gas Spheres
Graphical solution:

Isothermal Gas Spheres
Fit the function to an observed distribution.
N(q) = ˝ at q=3, or core radius R1/2 =3 α.
To get a central mass density then also need to measure the velocity distribution.  From equipartition ˝ m<v2>=3/2 kT.  So:

King Models
Isothermal spheres have infinite extent.  More complex and realistic version based on Fokker-Planck equation by King (1966).  Assumes no particles present with escape velocity+.  Sharp E cutoff.  See texts for more.

King Models
Isothermal spheres have infinite extent.  More complex and realistic version based on Fokker-Planck equation by King (1966).  Assumes no particles present with escape velocity+.  Sharp E cutoff.  See texts for more.

Other Models
Real galaxies are not necessarily spherical and isotropic.  Eddington and Michie models:

Fundamental Plane
Luminosities, surface brightness, central velocity distribution, (and others), are correlated, hence the term “fundamental plane.”  Ellipticals populate a plane in parameter space.  BIG area of research – very useful tool and helps us understand galaxies.
Faber & Jackson (1976) is a classic in this area (you might want to look up and read this one):
L ~ σx where x ≈4
So, get dispersion from spectrum, get luminosity, and with magnitude get distance!

Fundamental Plane
Dressler et al. (1987) include all three of the plane parameters and find a tight relationship:
Can also substitute in a new variable Dn (a diameter chosen to match a surface brightness) which incorporates L and Σ.
Can get distances then to various accuracies.

Fundamental Plane
Three views of the relationship from Inger Jorgensen et al. (1997).  The top is “face-on” and the other two views are projections.
As the relationship involves Luminosity it is a distance indicator.
Physical origin of interest for understanding early type galaxies.

Fundamental Plane
Physical origin:
If Virial Theorem applies, then the FP means that M/L ratio depends on the three variables.
The orientation of the plane in parameter space implies that M/L depends on the mass (M/L ~ L0.2)
Metallicity also?