11/20/2020 Civil Zastrocky & Brotherton @ WIRO Longslit (remote) Outside Temp(F) -- 25 (start) Outside Humidity(%RH) -- 57 (start) Wind Speed(MPH) -- 2 mph (start) Wind Direction -- 145 (start) Slit width 5 arcsec, set on September 17 empirically 900l/mm grating, sub-array center column 1050, width 360 Longslit focus set to 310 on instrument. Seeing= 4.7 pix (0.38 arcsec per pixel) or 1.8 arcsec focus (temp=25F) Centered for field, collimation numbers at Dec 44:51 HA -00:39 0:01:46.9 -0:27:57.0 Fill N2 #1 (16:40) Flat at fixed -6.25 48, dome 15 Index Object EXP secz UT T-Out Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ a001-10 CuAr (Zenith) 2 00:43 26 @-95C a011-20 Bias 0 00:46 26 @-110C a021-30 Flat 3 00:50 26 95% Lamp a031-36 PG0052+251 600 1.08 05:16 25 SNR=12 low snr a032-33 a037-39 Mrk 1148 400 1.30 06:24 26 SNR=15 a040-42 2MASSJ04145265 400 1.54 06:49 25 SNR=30 a043-45 3C120 300 1.24 07:12 25 SNR=40 a046-48 Mrk 618 300 1.60 07:32 25 SNR=35 a049-51 G191B2B 60 1.03 7:55 25 std a052-54 Mrk6 500 1.23 8:01 26 snr=30 a055-57 Mrk79 300 1.10 8:30 27 snr=30 a058-61 Mrk704 300 1.6 8:51 26 snr=15-18 a062-64 PG0923+129 400 1.5 9:18 26 snr=25+ a065-67 PG0947+396 900 1.24 9:40 27 snr=20 a068-70 PG0953+414 400 1.13 10:29 27 snr=40 a071-73 NGC2617 600 1.44 10:55 27 snr=20 a074-76 SDSS1004 600 1.20 11:33 27 snr=25+ a077-79 PG1004+130 600 1.15 12:05 27 snr=70 Weak EW. Keep at it with low cadence... a080-82 NGC3516 300 1.19 12:40 27 snr=50 a083-85 NGC4151 100 1.10 12:58 27 snr=50