01/02/2021 Civil Olson @ longslit (remote) Outside Temp(F) -- 16 (Start) Outside Humidity(%RH) -- 76 (Start) Wind Speed(MPH) -- 20 mph (Start) Wind Direction -- 276 (Start) Slit width 5 arcsec, set on September 17, 2020 empirically 900l/mm grating, sub-array center column 1050, width 360 Longslit focus set to 310 on instrument. Seeing= 4.1 pix (0.38 arcsec per pixel) or 2.1 arcsec focus (temp 19C) Centered for field, collimation numbers at Dec 56:39 HA 0:05 0:01:01.9 -1:07:01.0 Fill LN2 #1 (16:45) Flat at fixed -6.25 48, dome 15 Index Object EXP secz UT T-Out Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One side of mirror failed to open on first try, worked on second a001-10 CuAr 2 00:47 16 a011-20 Bias 0 00:49 16 a021-30 Flat 3 00:55 16 Dome did not open entirely on first try, worked on second a031-33 BD+28d4211 30 1.28 01:20 16 Dome lock out during first exposure a034-35 Mrk 1148 400 1.10 01:28 15 SNR=16 Storing telescope after 2 exposures due to high humidity ice on mirror... Weather station ceased updating at 03:00 local a036 Flat 3 11:50