About the Course

This is an upper-level elective course designed to explore science through science fiction and is designed to be accessible to non-major students. The course will include reading, watching, and writing science fiction to get a better perspective on science and humanity and to investigate some interesting concepts in physics and astronomy.

About the Instructor

Mike BrothertonMike Brotherton is an assistant professor in the Astronomy department at the University of Wyoming. He received his PhD in 1996 from the University of Texas at Austin. He is also a published science fiction writer. His first novel, Star Dragon, is available from Tor Books.

Science and Science Fiction

Prowse Room, Physical Sciences Building, Wed. 7-10 pm

This class was last taught Spring, 2007. If you have a question, please contact Professor Brotherton.

Course Goals and Activities

This course will explore the physical sciences through science fiction. Science fiction is the literature of the modern age, possessing a special relationship with our rapidly changing technological civilization where issues once found only in fiction are now issues in reality. Science fiction also permits a unique discussion of man's place in the universe that can be difficult to have in either science or humanities classes. Course activities will involve reading, writing, watching, and discussing science fiction and the intersection of human/scientific issues involved in the material considered. Both critical thinking and artistic sensibility will be emphasized. Some topics to be covered include: space travel, nanotechnology, time travel, pseudoscience, philosophy of science, science in film, black holes, quantum theory, relativity, and the craft of fiction writing. Read more on the syllabus page.