The luminosity of the red-giant branch tip (TRGB) is a highly
precise standard candle for Population II stars;
for stellar populations more metal-poor than [Fe/H] ,
the TRGB luminosity is at
, visible as a sharp
upturn in the luminosity function (eg. Lee et al. 1993a).
With the high resolution and depth of
the Hubble Space Telescope, the keystone Virgo and Fornax galaxies
should be within reach.
We have used WFPC2 on HST to obtain deep I-band images of a Virgo
dE galaxy, VCC1104, to test the feasibility of this technique
at the Mpc distance range. Our target galaxy, a nucleated
dE, is moderately metal-poor ([Fe/H]
according to
integrated colors), and its radial velocity and central
location in Virgo maximize the probability that it belongs to the
`core' of Virgo defined by the gE and dE,N galaxies. Our composite
I-band image succeeds in cleanly resolving the
red giant branch, and clearly shows the expected
step-function luminosity function upturn at the RGB tip. From this
we derive
Mpc), and clearly
supports the larger values of Ho that have been derived using other
independent techniques.
The distance to the Virgo cluster has long been sought, due to its extreme importance in the extragalactic distance scale and the determination of the Hubble constant Ho (and thus possible ages for the universe itself). As such the Virgo cluster has been the focus of numerous studies, both ground-based and HST-based (eg. Pierce et al. 1994, Freedman et al. 1994; see also van den Bergh 1996).
Related to this problem is the range of derived values of Ho that have arisen through use of many different `standard candles' to derive distances; values as low as 55 km/sec/Mpc to over 80 km/sec/Mpc are commonplace in the literature (eg. van den Bergh 1996). Thus it is important to refine as many techniques as possible to reduce the uncertainty in Ho.
The I magnitude of the tip of the red giant branch (TRGB) has been used
as a distance indicator
for many nearby galaxies from ground-based photometry
and out to Mpc using the HST (Sakai et al.
1996, 1997). This technique requires only that the resolved stellar
is (a) old (>2-3 Gyr) and (b) relatively metal-deficient ([Fe/H]<-0.7: see
Lee et al. 1993a). Under these conditions, the absolute magnitude
of the TRGB is
, with little dependence in [Fe/H], making it an
ideal population II distance indicator. This technique has a firm physical
footing, as the tip corresponds to the
point of core helium ignition in low-mass halo stars.
For targets such as Virgo and Fornax, the TRGB method has several key advantages over the use of Cepheids for distance determination:
These conditions are readily met in dwarf elliptical (dE) galaxies. Although giant spiral and elliptical galaxies do have old metal-poor populations, they are not the dominant population, as it is in dE's. The TRGB method has been successfully tested in the dE's in the Local Group (NGC 147/185/205; see Baade 1944, and more recently Lee et al. 1993a,b).
The Virgo cluster of galaxies is the nearest large reservoir of dE galaxies, thus making them ideal targets for a comparison of the TRGB method with other techniques (eg. Cepheids, surface brightness fluctuations, PNLF, GCLF). Furthermore, the nucleated dE's (or dE,N's) are known to preferentially lie in the densest regions of clusters (Ferguson & Sandage 1989); thus dE,N's provide us with a natural probe of the cluster core region.
VCC 1104 is a dE4,N galaxy (MV=-16.2) located
43 from M87 (see Figure 1). This (and evidence
presented above)
suggests this galaxy is likely in the Virgo cluster core.
Although we expect dE's to (in general)
have intermediate-[Fe/H] populations, we have used WIYN UBV images
of VCC 1104 to derive (U-B) and (B-V) color profiles (Figure 2).
Comparing the colors with those
of Milky Way globular clusters (Figure 3)
indicates that
the metallicity of the dominant stellar population in VCC 1104 is
[Fe/H]. In addition, the luminosity of VCC 1104 is
intermediate between that NGC 185 (MV=-15.5, [Fe/H]=-1.3) and
NGC 205 (MV=-16.6, [Fe/H]=-0.85); again suggesting [Fe/H]
In June 1997 we obtained a deep series of WFPC2 F814W images
(I : 12 images with a
total exposure time of 32200 s) of
VCC 1104. The cleaned, combined image (Fig. 4) clearly resolves the
primary stellar population(s) in this galaxy.
DAOPHOT II photometry
was performed on the stars in the WF2/3/4 frames that are in the
outer parts of the galaxy so as to avoid image crowding.
Background objects (faint galaxies plus a few foreground stars),
have been removed statistically using half of the WF4 field as
a control field. The 50% completeness level, f(I)=0.5 is at ,
as determined from artificial star tests.
We calibrated the photometry using WIYN I-band images and the
prescription given in Holtzmann et al. (1995), and our I-band LF is
illustrated in Fig. 5. The position of the TRGB was estimated using
two independent methods: (a) The Sobel edge-detection filter, E(I),
in its continuous form (Sakai et al. 1996) is applied to , a
continuous probability distribution function defined by the
Gaussian-smoothed LF. A peak at
mag marks the TRGB (Fig. 6). (b) Modifying the maximum-likelihood algorithm of
Secker & Harris (1993), we construct a model LF which includes
contributions from the RGB stars (a truncated exponential) and a
background population, corrected for detection completeness and
photometric error. The TRGB position is a free parameter in this
model, and we obtain
consistent with the Sobel filter results. Thus we have detected stars
over 0.5-mag fainter than the RGB tip in VCC 1104, illustrating that
the TRGB method is indeed feasible for Virgo cluster galaxies.
From the ITRGB value, we have computed a distance assuming
. This value is based on Figure 6, where the
globular cluster RGB's from Da Costa & Armandroff (1990) have been
in accordance to the distances of the GC's using recent Hipparcos parallaxes
(Gratton et al. 1997). This value also accounts for the even brighter
tip magnitudes which have been suggested by recent theoretical work
(Cassisi & Salaris 1997).
Our derived distance modulus for VCC 1104 is 30.83 0.18,
or a distance of 14.7
1.2 Mpc, making this the most distant
galaxy for which the TRGB method has been applied. Our result is similar to that
derived by Cepheid-variable studies of Virgo spirals (Pierce et al.
1994, Freedman et al. 1994) and that using most other standards candle
(eg. Mould et al. 1995), and strongly supports the larger
values of Ho (
km s-1 Mpc-1) that have been
derived recently by numerous other studies (using a variety of other
Baade, W. 1944, ApJ, 100, 147
Cassisi, S., & Salaris, M. 1997, preprint (astroph-9710166)
Da Costa, G., & Armandroff, T. 1990, AJ, 100, 162
Ferguson, H. & Sandage, A. 1989, ApJ, 346, L53
Freedman, W.L., et al. 1994, Nature, 371, 757
Gratton, R.G., et al. 1997, ApJ, 491, 749
Holtzman, J.A., et al. 1995, PASP, 107, 1065
Lee, M.G., Freedman, W.L., & Madore, B.F. 1993a, ApJ, 417, 553
Lee, M.G., Freedman, W.L., & Madore, B.F. 1993b, AJ, 106, 964
Mould, J. et al. 1995, ApJ, 449, 413
Pierce, M.J. et al. 1994, Nature, 371, 385
Sakai, S., Madore, B.F., & Freedman, W.L. 1996, ApJ, 461, 713
Sakai, S. et al. 1997, ApJ, 478, 49
van den Bergh, S. 1996, PASP, 108, 1091