WIRO Prime: Currently Available Filters

Wiro Prime has two interchangable filter wheels which accept 2" square filters.  Thin inserts are available for 50mm filters.  Up to 12 filters can be loaded into each of the wheels.  The following table lists the filters currently available for use at WIRO Prime.

Filter Name                                                Central Wavelength                            Bandwidth                                                Notes
Johnson  U 3640 A 700 A Bessel: (wheel #1)
Johnson   B 4350 A 980 A Bessel: (wheel #1)
Johnson   V 5380 A 980 A Bessel: (wheel #1)
Kron-Cousins   R 6250 A 1180 A Bessel: (wheel #1)
Kron-Cousins   I 7900 A 1400 A Bessel: (wheel #1)
SDSS   u' 3540 A 650 A Smith: (wheel #1)
SDSS  g' 4750 A 1480 A Smith: (wheel #1)
SDSS  r' 6222 A 1385 A Smith: (wheel #1)
SDSS  i' 7632 A 1565 A Smith: (wheel #1)
SDSS  z' 9049 A 1130 A Smith: (wheel #1)
DDO  51 5130 A 154 A Smith: (wheel #1)
Washington  C 3910 A 1100 A Canterna: (wheel #3)
Washington  M 5085 A 1050 A Canterna: (wheel #3)
Washington  T1 6300 A 800 A Canterna: (wheel #3)
Washington  T2 8050 A 1500 A Canterna: (wheel #3)
Halpha  z = 0.000 6563 A 50 A (wheel #1)
Halpha  z = 0.006 (1600 km/sec) 6600A 50 A (wheel #1)
Halpha  z = 0.036 (11,000 km/sec) 6800A 50 A (wheel #3)
Halpha  z = 0.066  (20,000 km/sec) 7000A 50 A (wheel #3)
WIRO Medium-01 5000 A 800 A Loh & Spillar: (wheel #2)
WIRO Medium-02 6000 A 1000 A Loh & Spillar: (wheel #2)
WIRO Medium-03 7000 A 1100 A Loh & Spillar: (wheel #2)
WIRO Medium-04 8100 A 1100 A Loh & Spillar: (wheel #2)
WIRO Medium-05 9000 A 800 A Loh & Spillar: (wheel #2)
WIRO Narrow-01 4250 A 800 A Loh & Spillar: (wheel #2)
WIRO Narrow-02 4900 A 800 A Loh & Spillar: (wheel #2)
WIRO Narrow-03 5350 A 500 A Loh & Spillar: (wheel #2)
WIRO Narrow-04 6450 A 500 A Loh & Spillar: (wheel #2)
WIRO Narrow-05 6800 A 500 A Loh & Spillar: (wheel #2)
WIRO Narrow-06 7150 A 500 A Loh & Spillar: (wheel #2)
WIRO Narrow-07 7450 A 500 A Loh & Spillar: (wheel #2)

Last Modified 9/10/2002 by Michael Pierce (mpierce@uwyo.edu)