University of Wyoming Physics & Astronomy Colloquium Series
Fridays -- 4:10 PM -- Prowse Room 234
Pre-Colloquium tea served at 3:45 in the Cinnamon Room, PS 237
Fall 2004 Schedule
Sep 17 |
Michael Hauck (Western Research Institute)
Remote Sensing Applications in Transportation: Applying Physical Principals to Improve the Nation's Infrastructure Efficiency and Performance
The application of remote sensing technologies to America's
transportation infrastructure management holds immense promise to
improve the safety, efficiency, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness of
the transportation system - a 1.3 trillion dollar asset on which
taxpayers spend over 117 billion dollars per year. Remote sensing
technologies use acoustic and electromagnetic waves from various parts
of the energy spectrum that can accentuate physical and chemical
properties of materials (and therefore engineering performance),
especially when used in combination. Remote sensors can be deployed
on platforms ranging from satellites to construction equipment.
Specific applications include the surveying of construction obstacles
to avoid damaging buried infrastructure, the non-destructive testing
of new pavements for quality control during construction, and the
detection of precursors to infrastructure failure that could be used
to schedule preventive maintenance. In this talk I will describe a
research program jointly sponsored by NASA and the US Department of
Transportation intended to kick-start an industry that will
commercialize remote sensing products and technologies to address the
Nation's critical transportation issues.
Sep 24 |
Jerry Tastad (Wyoming)
Adventures of Amateur Radio
Jerry is the Lab Coordinator for the University of Wyoming Department of Physics & Astronomy. He has been an amateur radio operator for over forty years and currently holds an amateur extra-class license. Jerry will talk about the physics of amateur radio and his experiences in the field.
Oct 1 |
Nathan Smith (U. Colorado)
Eta Carinae and its Massive Circumstellar Nebula
Eta Carinae is the most massive star that is close enough to be studied in
detail, and it is surrounded by CNO-processed material ejected by the star
in the last 160 years. The star teeters near the Eddington luminosity
limit, causing erratic variability and extreme mass loss. The nebula has
a huge amount of mass -- more than about 10 Msun -- which has important
implications for post-MS evolution atop the HR Diagram. Additionally, the
nebula around Eta Carinae provides our nearest example of the
circumstellar environment of a potential hypernova progenitor, and may
even raise questions about the first stars that formed in the early
Oct 29 |
Jordanka Zlatanova (U. Wyoming)
Chromatin fibers: one-at-a time
DNA in the nucleus of eukaryotic organisms is organized as chromatin, a
DNA-protein complex that packages the huge amount of DNA into a small
volume and allows for regulation of biochemical processes that need
access to the information stored in the double-helical structure of DNA.
The study of chromatin structure and dynamics has entered a new phase, as
a result of the advent of single-molecule techniques. I will present
some of our results obtained with the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM),
optical tweezers (OT) magnetic tweezers (MT), and more recently with
single-pair Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (spFRET). AFM imaging
and quantitations have led us to question the accepted solenoid model for
the higher-order organization of the chromatin fiber and to suggest that
the fibers possess rather irregular three-dimensional structures that can
be modeled using the known dimensions of the core particle and straight
DNA linkers.
Optical tweezers were used to mechanically stretch individual chromatin
fibers directly assembled in the flow cell of the apparatus. The
force-extensions curves recorded during stretching had numerous
discontinuities interpreted as individual nucleosome unraveling events.
The forces needed to unwrap the DNA from around the histone octamers were
in the range of 20-40 pN, the same range of forces developed by RNA
polymerases threading the DNA double helix during transcription. This
fact is interpreted to mean that polymerases themselves may be in the
position to clear nucleosomes out of the way for transcription to occur.
I will briefly mention our data on using magnetic tweezers to follow
assembly of individual chromatin fibers as a function of the force
applied to the DNA template. The process of nucleosome assembly is
highly force-dependent and can only proceed to forces of up to 10 pN.
The physiologically-relevant interpretation of the data addresses the
issue of whether and under what conditions nucleosomes can reform in the
wake of the passing polymerase complex.
Finally, I will illustrate the use of spFRET to study fast, long-range,
reversible conformational transition in the nucleosome particle.
Nov 5 |
Michael Meyer (U. Arizona)
Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems: Placing Our Solar System in Context
Over the past 15 years abundant evidence has emerged that many (if not
all) stars are born with circumstellar disks. While concensus is
emerging concerning the the early evolution of accretion disks (tau <
10 Myr) and the characterization of older debris disks (tau > 1 Gyr)
continues at a rapid pace, little is known about the transition
between these two extremes thought to occur during the epoch of planet
formation. The goals of our Spitzer Legacy Science Program are to
trace the evolution of planetary systems from: (1) 3-10 Myr when
stellar accretion from the disk terminates; through (2) 10-100 Myr
when planets achieve their final masses via coalescence of solids and
accretion of remnant molecular gas; to (3) 100-3000 Myr when the final
architecture of solar systems takes form and collisions between
remnant planetesimals produce observable quantities of dust. Our
strategy is to use carefully calibrated spectral energy distributions
and high-resolution spectra to infer the radial distribution of dust
and gas surrounding a sample of 330 solar-like stars distributed
uniformly in log- age over 3 Myr to 3 Gyr. This approach should
provide insight into the diversity of planetary system architectures,
contraining the range of possible outcomes of the planet formation
process - thus helping to place our own solar system in context. We
will report on the latest results from our program.
Nov 12 |
Joe Collins (Colorado)
The Role of High-Velocity Clouds in Galactic and Local Group Evolution
Since their discovery by Muller, Oort, & Raimond (1963), the objects known
as high-velocity clouds (HVCs) have been the subject of much controversy.
Normally detected through their HI 21-cm emission, these objects have no
stellar component, and thus their distances are highly uncertain. The
favored paradigm identifies HVCs as either outflows or remnant building
blocks of structure formation in the Galactic Halo. Alternate hypothesis
place these objects at large distances from the Milky Way, tracing
cosmological structures within the Local Group. In this talk, I will
review our recent work utilizing FUSE and HST UV spectra concerning the
nature of these objects.
Dec 3 |
Charles Danforth (Colorado)
Warm and Hot Gas in the Local Universe
Sight lines to distant quasars show absorption from intervening clouds
of otherwise-invisible intergalactic gas. Until recently, this
Lyman-alpha forest has been observable only at high redshifts where the
Lyman alpha transition (1216 angstroms) is redshifted into the visible
range. In the last ten years, HST and FUSE have allowed us to access to
the Lyman alpha forest at low redshift and to finally study the local,
'mature' intergalactic medium (IGM).
I will discuss our study of higher-order Lyman lines from which accurate
measurements of neutral hydrogen in the IGM can be made. More
interestingly, we have found many counterpart absorption systems in OVI,
CIII, and other highly ionized species. These ions trace a warm-hot
component (T=10^5-10^6 K) rather than the warm neutral component (T~10^4
K) traced by HI. The combination of these two IGM phases (warm and hot)
tells us a great deal about the structure of the local universe and some
of the processes involved.
Dec 10 |
Michal Banaszak (University of Poznan, Poland)
Probing Block-Copolymer System with Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Simulations:
Pressure Effects, Triblocks, Ionic-Nonionic Blocks, Low-Temperature Extra-Ordering Effects
Previous colloquia series:
Fall 2002
Spring 2003
Fall 2003
Spring 2004
Contact for program information:
Daniel Dale (ddale @