PACS radial strip spectroscopy - Empirical estimates
Guesstimator-based material from January 2007:
- Line amplitude based on *all* the TIR within PACS 47"x47" apertures, and scaling via Malhotra et al. 2001 ratios.
- Estimates are included for various line flux thresholds (1 Jy ~ 2e-17 W/m^2; 0.5 Jy ~ 1e-17 W/m^2).
- Assuming point source line emission.
- A more realistic line emission morphology can be estimated via SINGS maps of [SiII].
- Assuming a more realistic emission morphology, which requires a point source dilution factor of ~3.5 applied to the simulated line fluxes within one PACS beam.
Last modified: 2007 Jan