Matrix Image Here

Randall Bramley

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science
Indiana University-Bloomington

The above image from the Emily matrix visualization package shows the inverse of the Laplace matrix on a uniform grid, with bright colors corresponding to larger magnitude elements. The pattern suggests possible sparsity patterns that can be effective for approximate inverse preconditioners.

[ Research Projects | Professional Affiliations | Selected Papers | Grants | Students | FTP directory]

Office address Lindley Hall 301A, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA
Office phone 812-855-7790
Department fax 812-855-4829

Spring 1998 Schedule

Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday 8:00 - 9:00 AM Office Hours
Monday/Wednesday 11:15 - 12:30 Teaching B673: Advanced Scientific Computing in 019 Lindley Hall
Tuesday 1:00 PM Regular meeting with V. Menkov

My travel and event schedule is infrequently maintained, but the best explanation of any absences from the office.

Research Projects

The following links give brief descriptions of projects on which I am currently working; most of these are closely interrelated. Also see the Scientific Computing group home pages for lists of collaborators on these projects. A usage page showing hits for the SciComp material is created daily by AccessWatch.


A few courses of mine with some Web accessible content include

Another educational project is the MATC (Mathematics Across the Curriculum) Project, where I am an informal consultant on the electronic dissemination and evaluation of curricular materials. Mathematics Throughout the Curriculum (MTC), the Indiana University component of MATC, is run by Dan Maki and Bart Ng. Brief talks I've given for that project include

  • Using Netscape, a brief intro for the 1996 course developers
  • Technology issues for MATC , part of a panel presentation at the MATC meeting at Villanova University in June 1997
  • Professional Affiliations

    Some Recent or Interesting Papers

    Most of these papers are gzipped Postscript format. Most browsers will simply download them as a file to your working directory, and then it is up to you to gunzip them and use a Postscript viewer from outside the browser.

    My vita has a more complete list of papers.

    Current Research Students

    Some Former Research Students

    Current Grants Providing Support

    Grant Number Title Dates
    NSF CDA-9601632 Acquisition of a Distributed Computation and Immersive Visualization Environment for Complex Systems 1996-1998
    NSF ASC-9502292 Partial Orthogonalization Methods in Scientific Computing 1995-1998
    NSF CCR-9527130 Integration of Symbolic Computing with Frameworks of Classes and Problem Solving Archetypes 1995-1998
    IU-OIT 33 Computer Graphics Lab for Interdisciplinary Research and Training Consortium 1995-1996
    NSF CDA-9303189 An Infrastructure for Conceptualization and Visualization 1993-1996
    IU-OIT A Graphics Studio and Lab for Arts and Sciences 1995-1998

    Other stuff

    Peter Shirley created a useful Postscript map of how to get from the Indianapolis Airport to Bloomington. Visitors are strongly recommended not to fly into Bloomington, since Indianapolis is only 1.0 - 1.25 hours drive from here.

    Ok, if you really want to see what I look like in my native environment a picture of me is available. And you can also see a picture of Radha Surya (my wife, among other things) shortly before we got married.

    And a link to an MPG of gromit himself.

    Randall Bramley /