Misc Stuff--Kobulnicky
Misc Links and Documents (probably way outdated)
Public Talks on Astronomy
This material is copyrighted as intellectual property
and may be used for non-profit educational purposes only
On Giving Public Talks
The Minnesota Public Outreach Manual
Here is a postscript version of the
Minnesota Astronomy
Department Public Outreach Manual.
This document contains detailed outlines for public presentations on
astronomy geared primarily toward school students in grads K-12.
Several full-length interactive presentations with accompanying
demonstrations are described to help beginning graduate students
and faculty of all levels make the most of their public outreach
activities. I compiled this resource drawing upon the combined
experience of dozens of students and faculty in the Department who
make nearly 100 public outreach presentations each year. If others find
useful stuff here, let me know.
A Pictoral Observatory Tour
Here is a short pictoral tour of some
observatories I've visited.
Non-Traditional Careers for Astronomers
Some Original Astronomical Humor
A spin-off of the Drake equation which is used to
estimate the probable number of intelligent civilizations in the
Galactic neighborhood, the
Date Equation allows one to estimate the probable
number of intelligent, civilized dateable lifeforms in your
terrestrial neighborhood.