- Today: Homeworks due
– discussion?
- WIRO Observing trip
- More on Elliptical Galaxies
- (Ch. 4, Combes et al. , Ch. 3, Longair)
- Unless noted, all figs and
eqs from Combes et al. or Longair.
- Top is K0 III star, M87 off center, M87 near center
- Stellar Absorption Lines, note Ca II H&K
- Properties of interest are dispersion and shift. Dispersion is especially
complicated since it depends on an ensemble of stars with different
absorption line widiths.
- Rotation (V) and velocity dispersion (σ) curves for some
ellipticals (Davies et al. 1983)
- So, are ellipticals simple to understand dynamically? Not so clear. We’re seeing a 2D picture
of a 3D object.
- In general, elliptical galaxies rotate too slowly for this to account
for the flattening observed.
In other words, their ratios of rotational to random kinetic
energy is too low.
- If ellipticity e were due to rotation (e.g., a pure oblate rotator with
an isotropic velocity distribution) then (Vrot/σ)iso
~ (e/(1-e))1/2.
Is it?
- Fit ellipses to surface brightness distribution.
- Can define “boxy” and “disky” galaxies (see
Kormendy & Djorgovski 1989, ARAA, 27, 235), which correlate with
other properties.
- http://chandra.as.utexas.edu/~kormendy/tuningfork.html
- Top, e(r) plotted for some galaxies.
- Bottom, e(r) and position angle as a function of radius. Proof of triaxalality? Or artifact of other?
- Just FYI, e = 1-b/a and r = (ab)1/2
- Deviations in r1/4 light profile can be quantified into
classes, and corresponds with the presence of close neighbor galaxies
- Stellar “shells” from capture of smaller galaxies.
- Dust lanes associated with captured material in equilibrium.
- See text for more discussion.
- Should follow equations of stellar dynamics.
- Treat as “collisionless” ensemble
- Relaxation time is important – this defines the time between
- Work out energetically to get
- Trelax = V3/8πnG2m2log(R/b)
- V is mean relative speed, n is stellar density, m is the mean stellar
mass, R is radius of galaxy, and b is the minimum impact parameter.
- Details will probably be a homework problem.
- Crossing times: Tcross ~ R/V
- Relaxation time then varies as
- Trelax ~ 0.2(N/logN) Tcross where N is the number
of stars in the system
- For galaxies, crossing times ~1/100 the age of the universe (100 million
years), and the relaxation times are on order of 1017 years
– so close interactions between stars essentially never
“Collisionless” is a good approximation. This is because N is large, and
the collision must be very close for another star’s potential to
overwhelm the ensemble potential.
- Note: this argument is NOT true for Globular Clusters! Also not true for galaxy
- The upshot of this is that you can treat galaxies in terms of motions in
a global potential.
- Combes et al. approach the subject from the general case of distribution
functions (f) – what are the positions, velocities, and time of
the stars moving in a potential?
- Can start with the continuity equation (mass) which is the collisionless
Boltzmann equation, AKA the Vlasov equation:
- -dU/dr is the gravitational force exerted. The potential can be obtained
from the Poisson eq: ΔU(r) =4πGρ(r). Must find f(r,v) that solves
these self-consistently.
They discusses the isothermal sphere case:
- f(E)=(2πσ2)-3/2ρ0e -E/σ2
(complications vanish in symmetry)
- Should be familiar-looking function. Still, want density as a function
of radius.
- Longair’s starting point is the Lane-Emden equation (4-7), which
assumes spherical symmetry and hydrostatic equilibrium. Isothermal = same mean velocities
everywhere. Can apply to
stars, galaxies, clusters.
- Simple case, for which ideal gas law holds at all radii, p = ρkT/mass. In thermal equilibrium, 3/2 kT =
½ mass <v2>, therefore:
- Non-linear, only has an analytical solution for large r using a
power-series expansion and applying some reasonable boundary conditions.
- Boundary conditions:
- Smoluchowski’s Envelope at large radii where density, timescales
go to extremes.
- In astrophysical systems, outmost radii are subject to interactions
with other clusters, hence a tidal radius.
- Then recast our equation as:
- Where we have the dimensionless quantities x=r/α and ρ = ρ0y,
& A, structural length α:
- As usual in real astronomy things are complicated because we only see a
projection rather than a 3D distribution. The projection surface density
distribution onto a plane is:
- Where now q is the projected distance from the center.
- Fit the function to an observed distribution.
- N(q) = ½ at q=3, or core radius R1/2 =3 α.
- To get a central mass density then also need to measure the velocity
distribution. From
equipartition ½ m<v2>=3/2 kT. So:
- Isothermal spheres have infinite extent. More complex and realistic
version based on Fokker-Planck equation by King (1966). Assumes no particles present with
escape velocity+. Sharp E
cutoff. See texts for more.
- Isothermal spheres have infinite extent. More complex and realistic
version based on Fokker-Planck equation by King (1966). Assumes no particles present with
escape velocity+. Sharp E
cutoff. See texts for more.
- Real galaxies are not necessarily spherical and isotropic. Eddington and Michie models:
- Luminosities, surface brightness, central velocity distribution, (and
others), are correlated, hence the term “fundamental
plane.” Ellipticals
populate a plane in parameter space. BIG area of research – very
useful tool and helps us understand galaxies.
- Faber & Jackson (1976) is a classic in this area (you might want to
look up and read this one):
- L ~ σx where x ≈4
- So, get dispersion from spectrum, get luminosity, and with magnitude get
- Dressler et al. (1987) include all three of the plane parameters and
find a tight relationship:
- Can also substitute in a new variable Dn (a diameter chosen to match a
surface brightness) which incorporates L and Σ.
- Can get distances then to various accuracies.
- Three views of the relationship from Inger Jorgensen et al. (1997). The top is “face-on”
and the other two views are projections.
- As the relationship involves Luminosity it is a distance indicator.
- Physical origin of interest for understanding early type galaxies.
- Physical origin:
- If Virial Theorem applies, then the FP means that M/L ratio depends on
the three variables.
- The orientation of the plane in parameter space implies that M/L depends
on the mass (M/L ~ L0.2)
- Metallicity also?