IRS mappings overlaid on IRAC 8um cropped 
Preferred SINGS galaxy observing windows and IRS position angles and their explanations e-mail postscript
Simulations: IRS program feasibility MIPS SED Cubism
SL sky Data Release 1 Data Release 2
Ancillary data
In progress: Validation High Res lines IR SEDs UV-Radio SEDs
Figure Potpourri: HighRes maps & H-alpha/IR; 1 MJy/sr curves; N6946, M51 extranucs; IR images & 1' circles
2nd Look work Round 1 (Jan 05) Round 2 (May 05) 
Samples: Extranuclear regions DR1/DR2/DR3/DR4/DR5
Fun with apertures definitions 24 micron
Thoughts on future projects

AORS: HighRes nuclear HighRes extranuclear LowRes nuclear LowRes extranuclear SL redo
Deviations from canonical IRS AOR mappings
No Short-Low or High-Res nuclear maps: 
  NGC 6822, Ho II, M 82
IRS observations delayed - we want to first inspect the imaging data:
  NGC0584 NGC0855 NGC1291 NGC1316 NGC1404 NGC2403 NGC3773 NGC4125 NGC4236 NGC4450 NGC4552
  NGC5474 IC 2574 IC 4710 M81DwA  M81DwB  Ho I  Ho IX  DDO 053  DDO 154  DDO 165 
  (We ultimately opted to not observe DDO154, N5474 (LL/SL), IC2574, HoI, M81DwA, M81DwB)
Timing window constrained to ensure MIPS SED and IRS strip maps sufficiently overlap.  MIPS SED observations need to be done 6 months later:
  NGC3031 NGC2403 NGC6946 NGC4236 NGC4631
Galaxies with more than 10 LL strip widths:
  NGC 7731 (11), NGC 337 (14), NGC 3034 (13), NGC 6822 (18)
NGC 3034 LL strip is perpendicular to major axis by design, to avoid GTO conflict.
Expanded High-Res circumnuclear maps (6x10 vs 3x5) for:
  NGC1097 NGC1482 NGC1512 NGC1705 NGC3351 NGC4321 NGC4536 NNGC6946 NGC7552 
SL nuclear maps redone due to latent effects of prior Spitzer bright source (~6000 Jy) observations:
  NGC 4736 and NGC 2915 
The observing window for the N3621 LL strip AOR was opened up, to catch the June '05 window.  For some reason the object was not observed during the Feb '05 IRS campaign, and the next IRS campaign (that would offer a decent strip/major axis alignment) would probably be Feb '06 
SL sky data type observation info