- This week: Finish up
galaxy interactions
- (Ch. 7, Combes et al., parts)
- Unless noted, all figs and
eqs from Combes et al or Longair.
- Old: HW#2 returned. Some
small issues, but overall I am pretty happy with the effort.
- Discuss assumptions in first problem, different data, inclination
- For the Coma problems, more thought into discussions, about all the
assumptions, the dark matter, stars, gas, etc.
- Pretty nice overall.
- Discuss the pros/cons of the galaxy spectrum modeling as currently
implemented. Also, what of
the redshift business?
- New: for several problems you will need to run a galaxy simulator
described in the hand-out from Caroll & Ostlie’s appendix
H. There is a Windows based
implementation that can be downloaded from http://tnewton.solarbotics.net/galaxy.html
which you should get and verify ASAP. I will demonstrate in class.
- Also, five parts to a scientific article.
- Toomre & Toomre (1972) is pretty simple, as is GALAXY based on their
- Most of the simulations we watched on Monday are n-body codes. These simpler ones are three-body
- Please look at the GALAXY code to see how it works.
- All the stars are really just test particles, no self gravity, moving in
the average potential of the two galaxies.
- This illustrates tidal effects very well (1/D3) but not
effects like dynamic friction (later today).
- Already saw filaments, tidal “tails” as in the Antennae
system and the Mice. Tidal
forces strong distance dependence draws these structures out. Duration is 1-2 Gyrs, and are
relics of an interaction that persist.
- Star-forming knots can and do form in the filaments, and can become
dwarf galaxies in their own right.
- Cartwheel is an example we’ve already seen. Appear to result from small
impact parameters.
- The core of the impacted galaxy can be pulled out entirely!
- The rings are kinematic waves.
Companion temporarily draws stars into the center. Oscillations are set up and
driven by disk gravity, and a density wave slowly propogates toward the
outer part of the disk.
Density waves cause star formation!
- Will examine some aspects of this in the homework. Watch carefully!
- Toomre (1977) on Ring Galaxies from Arp’s 1996 Atlas of Peculiar
- Lynds and Toomre (1976) in the system II Hz 4.
- A Double Ring Galaxy.
- Talked about companions driving spiral structure, rings, tidal
tails. All can be relatively
confined to disk plane.
- Distortions out of plane as well, e.g., “warped disks.”
- Merger product probes TWO dimensions.
- This is the effect of braking of a massive body P by the stars of a
galaxy when P penetrates or passes nearby.
- Dissipates energy and causes mergers to be relatively fast as seen in
n-body simulations.
- See Chandrasekhar (1943).
- Highlights here.
- Estimating the “frictional force” associated with an
interaction. Extend to a
multi-body interaction.
- Start with a two-body interaction.
Top consider as a reduced mass undergoing a deflection.
- Bottom, lab reference.
Collision is elastic, treated in center of mass frame.
- Velocity is perturbed, break into parallel and perpendicular components.
- Chandrasekhar’s (1960) formula:
- dv/dt = -(v/v3)16π2(ln Λ)G2m(m+M)∫f(v)v2dv
- where Λ is a factor of order 1 involving the masses, impact
parameter and initial velocity, f is the stellar density, M is the
intruder, m is the stellar mass.
- If the intruder is mass, M >> m, then
- dv/dt ~ -v 16π2(ln Λ)G2mM f(0)
- So the force proportional to velocity in this case, a viscous
friction. Concerned with the
mass density of stars, not individual masses. Force dependent on M, intruder
mass. The FORCE goes as mass
- Messes, yes that’s what I call them. Tidal tails. Loops, arcs, shells, lumps. Messes. Cool! Things fade and may result in
triaxial systems.
- Schweizer (1986)
- Top: Fornax
- Middle: Centaurus
- Bottom: NGC 7252
- Left is direct images.
- Right is filtering low-order frequencies to increase contrast.
- Giant elliptical consuming a small spiral (1/100 the mass). Giant elliptical hardly
perturbed. Spiral
shredded. Peter Quinn did
simulations in 1984 and succeeded in reproducing effect.
- Shells form from “quasi-radial” orbits that are eccentric,
so spend most of their time at large radii, depending on energy. Different distribution than the
elliptical galaxy stars.
- Quinn (1984): stars arrive at right and oscillate in the potential of
the major galaxy.
- Top: Simulation of large prolate elliptical eating small galaxy. Shells aligned with major axis.
- Bottom: Oblate. Shells
spiral randomly.
- Many have shells (20%). Not
every merger event will produce shells (average consumed then is 4-5).
- Are all ellipticals merger products?
- Globular clusters and issue (common around ellipticals, less so around
- Remember that starbursts accompany mergers – ULIRGS – and
make new GCs?
- Issue of heirarchical galaxy formation coming…
- Chapter 8 in Combes et al. on radio sources.
- Continue on Data Reduction and Analysis
- WIRO open house, anyone?