NIIS Electronics
“ Leach Controller ”

The focal plane is controlled via a SDSU Gen-II Controller designed
and built by Bob Leach of Astronomical Research Cameras. It also uses
a set of pre-amp cards and co-adder boards from IR-Labs. The
combination allows the entire 2048x2048 Hawaii-II array to be read in
about 0.1 second. The Gen-II controller is highly versatile. In
particular, custom waveforms for each detector array can be downloaded
to the controller using a computer interface. This allows for
selectable regions of interest, on-chip binning, etc. Initial tests
and characterization of the controller are now complete.
Here is the paper by Leach and Low (.pdf format): CCD and IR array controllers
The Controller consists of the following main components:
Timing Board: provides digital timing (or
sequencing) signals for controlling the array, and communticaions with
the host computer interface board.
Clock Driver Board: translates digital
timing signals from the sequencer to controlled voltage levels for
driving array clock lines.
Video Processor Board: amplifies and digitizes
video signals from the array.
Utility Board: provides miscellaneous system
support functions.
Parallel Cable Interface (PCI) Board: interfaces
the timing board via parallel cable to PCI bus computers.
Power Control Board
IR Co-adder Board
Power Supply: provides linear and robust power
for all required power.
Host Computer and Control Program
Photos of the Controller:

Figure 1: Video Process Board (top side)
Figure 2: Video Process Board (bottom side)
Figure 4: The Back Side of the Controller
Figure 5: The Inner connectors that are connected to the back plate and
connect on the back side shown in Figure 4.
Figure 6: The back plate of the controller
Figure 7: The Front of the controller without the exterior
Figure 8: A side view of the front of the controller